~falling for you~

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Riki pov:
I waited for amber in front of the entertainment, who was probably late as usual, she's not really the most punctual person. Today was the day I tell her the truth, the truth that I- My thoughts were interrupted by a familiar voice
"Heyy Riki"
i turned to see who it was, it was amber the one in a- wait what?
"since when are you wearing dresses ?!" I asked her
"uhmm i didn't have time to change, the photo shoot was stressful and i had an important meeting so yeah i know it looks bad"
she answered and crossed her arms because she felt uncomfortable.
"uhmm no no i think you look great, you could wear it more often" I replied
"nope you'll never see me in a dress again"
"Oh and sorry for beeing late" she added."You're 15 minutes late" I said, the only thing she answered was "oops"

"You're 15 minutes late" I said, the only thing she answered was "oops"

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(amber outfit)

(amber outfit)

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(Riki outfit)

"So where are we going?" Amber asked. I didn't answer her question, but took her hand and pulled her behind me.

Time skip
"there we are" i said when we arrived at the arcade."uhhh luckily I have some money with me" she said as she took her money out of her pocket."You won't need that" I took the money from her hand and put it in her pocket."Woaaaaa" Amber said standing next to a game
"Riki, you can play basketball right?" she asked me while looking at the huge teddy.
"pfff the teddy is bigger than you" I provoked her, well i regret what i said I got a hit on the shoulder."I'm just kidding" I said and put some money on the counter.
Of course, I landed every shoot perfectly and gave amber the teddy i had won."AIIII thanks riki!^^" she said happily and gave me a kiss on the cheek.
I noticed how my face turned red, I saw that she was a bit embarrassed, of course she has to keep provoking me.
"NAWW is someone blushing^^" she said me and pulled me to a claw machine. She won several teddy's there too, even so many that she couldn't hold them anymore, so we just put them in a bag. we still spent a lot of time spending money on different things, for food, for arcades and for drinks or ice cream

the meantime with Andrea and Sunhoon
Andrea pov:
"I COULD PUKE RN!" I yelled through the house
"Don't yell like that" sunghoon said monotonously.
"DoN't ScReAm LiKe ThAt" I imitated him
"You're so annoying," he said, rolling his eyes
"okay! why do you hate me so much?" I asked him since it was really starting to annoy me
"Who said I hate you" he replied without even looking at me
"I want an answer," I said, a little annoyed
"I don't hate you, I just don't like you," he explained
"Wowww and why?" I asked
"Because you're annoying, loud, you don't seem to like Nina and oh I don't know, I just don't like you, why are you even interested?" He rolled his eyes again
"ohh the thing with nina? you're not interested in that either, and if that were the case you would know that her condition has gotten worse and she's in the hospital and is getting an operation" after these words I went into the guest room, which is now my room, since I've moved in here I opened my door again.
"I LIKE YOU OKEY? THAT'S WHY I CARE!" I yelled, locking the door with the key.

Back to amber and riki
amber pov:
"Do we want to go?" Riki asked me and I nodded. Just as we were about to leave, Riki stopped in front of a box machine, just as he was about to continue walking I stopped him
"Are you pinching?" I provoked
"no but i have to go to entertainment i'll take you home and then go" he said
"I can walk alone" I said
"No, you can't walk alone around Korea at this time" he said worried
"Well you can't defend me if you your scared of a box machine" I smiled and took out my phone
"Ohh Owen texted me" I provoked him. A loud BOOM came from the direction of the box machine and when I turned around I saw riki standing in front of it.
"are you happy now?-_-" Riki said annoyed and pulled me behind him.
"Not as scared, huh?"
"You really love to provoke me don't you?" he asked
"Yeah, you can say it like that, it's funny when people get upset"
"Wait what did Owen text you?" he asked curiously
"ohhh jealous?" I started to provoke him again
"what I? no!" he yelled
"mhmmm by the way I don't even have Owen's number PAHAHAHA"
"ohh that's right ehhh oops" riki quickly took out his phone and pretended as if he had received a call. After a while we also arrived at home.
"Hmm?" he looked at me questioningly
" Arigatō Thank you I enjoyed spending time with you"
"hahaha it's okey jake helps me with english. You're welcome" he answered with a smile."oh and i have to tell you something" he added. i looked at him questioningly
"Since I'm in enhypen now and you're an full
time actress, we probably won't see each other that often anymore. You do casting, filming, interviews and whatever and I do performances, practice and stuff like that," he explained, I had never really thought about it, but he was right. We'll only see each other at school and at home in the evenings , but since we both will probably be dead tired there is not much time to do anything with friends, not even with the others."You're right, but we will certainly have days off, so it's not that bad" I said and laughed. he just nodded. "Oh and there's something else"

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