~i wish you where here with me~

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dear diary
today was my first day in korea, i meet that guy called riki, he's so annoying but he has such a sweet heart and he's kinda funny, but i don't know if i want to get close with him, as you know i promised myself to not get close to people anymore, i don't want to get close to someone just to lose them at the end. But he seemed nice and he's such a good dancer maybe he can teach me a bit, he's from japan maybe he can teach me japanese! that would be fun. Well i first need to study korean i mean i can speak it but it's a bit cracky, i'm sure he can help me with that 2 maybe we can study together! waaaa that would be so funny, i never had someone to study with me i'll ask him tomorrow!

dear diary
Today me and Riki were in an arcade, I didn't know exactly whether it was a meeting between friends or a date, but I had a lot of fun, he makes me really happy, I don't know how to describe it, but whenever he looks me in the eyes i notice my face blushing, he's still really annoying well okey he's cute tho i really like him maybe it's love?

dear diary
today was riki's birthday, i baked him a huge cake. He was very happy, but as clumsy as he is, it fell on the floor when he cut it. He sat on the floor crying, in the end he and the 6 others ate the cake anyway, I didn't have time to bake a new cake so I made cupcakes as quickly as possible so that at least something was on the table.

we where in the train for 5 FUCKING hours today 5!!! After Riki, Andrea and I were thrown out of the 1st class because we did shit, it felt like we got 10 more entries. After about 2 hours I fell asleep on Riki's shoulder and the whole school saw it. i hate and love my life at the same time <3 well more hate than love<33

Riki pov:
"People what if..." I started to speak
"riki don't think negative amber will be fine soon" said sung
"yeah you're definitely right" i nodded and looked out the window at the stars

i missed watching the sun rise and set with amber, or when we couldn't sleep we always ran out into the garden, lay on the grass and looked at the stars. Or when it rained and we danced in the moonlight. I wish we had one last dance. I experienced many beautiful things with her, I really hope it wasn't the last.

Jake pov:
The next morning I was woken up by the sun shining on my face.
"FUCK GUYS IT'S 2 pm WE OVERSLEEP EVERYONE'S GONE!" I woke the others up."huh? what" came from a sleepy jay"
but they would have woken us up" riki mumbled sleepily
"Apparently not" I said
"It doesn't matter, let me sleep" pouted Andrea. I opened the door and saw that nobody was there. no human soul "Were they murdered?" asked Sunghoon, who was suddenly standing next to me
"WAA don't scare me like that!"
I searched everything and the only thing I found was a small note on the table

if you are awake you can start cleaning everything up and you can also start cooking right away, that's punishment for what you did yesterday
Mr. knecht. (Class teacher)

"HUH? TF?! WE DID NOTHING" I took the note and showed it to the others
"punishment? i'll stick the punishment up your ass!" andrea was furious
"I'm sure someone blamed us for what happened yesterday," assumed Jungwon "mhm and I know who" I said
"Owen" came from all of us. Of course we didn't do what the teacher wanted us to do, but looked for evidence to prove our innocence. We couldn't let owen do what he wanted with us, he couldn't get away with it. Some time later everyone came back and we served dinner, which was the only thing we did."Owen is also sitting at the table," I said to the others who were still standing in the kitchen
"I took care of it already" Jay smiled and served the rest of the plates.
"YEEEEEEEE why is it so spicy?"yelled Owen, who almost cried because the food was so spicy
"oh come on, a bit of flavour isn't that bad" laughed jay. I gave jay a high five and then the next surprise came
"IUH WAAA WHOS RAT IS THIS IUH IUH" owen was disgusted
"Ohh there you are Freddy" Andrea laughed and took Freddy on her shoulder.
"Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeee take the rat away!" yelled Owen
"Don't call freddy a rat" andrea warned him "AHEM! Andrea please take your rat away" said a teacher.
"I have good news and bad news," he added" since we are leaving tomorrow, amber will be taken to a hospital in Seoul" "It's better that way" came from riki
"And the bad one?" I asked
"Amber had to be put into a coma otherwise she would not have survived and it is not certain if she will survive at all"
explained the teacher. "So please put your plates in the kitchen and those who have to wash up please do the dishes and then everyone go to your rooms," he continued as if nothing had happened.

Riki pov:
"WOW how are you happy now?" I asked owen when all the teachers were gone.
"i said i'd make your life hell, you've always been in my way nishimura riki,"
"SO WHAT? That doesn't mean that you have to almost kill a person, devastate everything here and then blame us!" How much I would like to punch him in the face is indescribable.
"Oh I'm not done yet" he started to provoke me. It went so far that we started punching each other , one hit after the other biting all the students around us trying to tear us apart. my hands were open and blood was running down. i didn't know if it was my blood or his blood. I wiped the blood from my face, gave him one last death look, and went to my room.
"Riki, was that really necessary?!" Jake yelled at me."Yes" I said monotonously. Andrea helped me to treat my wounds."I'm not doing this for you just so its clear" she said "Thank you" I thank her and sat outside in the grass.

amber is in a coma
Everyone thinks we are the one that destroyed everything
And I wasted my time beating him up
what did I do now?
oh amber i wish you could help me right now.
I felt tears running down my cheeks . I wish you where here with me i miss you so much

maybe not every story ends with a happy ending.

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