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amber pov:
i sat next to riki on the roof and looked up at the stars. „I like the stars" he said
„Same, just sad that i've never seen a shooting star" I said „ wait really?" he asked „never had the opportunity, I read about it in books and on the internet and looked at pictures"
„Then we'll change that, we'll stay here until you see one" We looked up at the stars and waited.
„There!" Riki points to a shooting star that just crossed the sky. It was more beautiful than any drawing or picture I've seen.
„And did you wish for something?" Riki asked. „don't tell me you believe in something like that?"
Riki shrugged his shoulders „why not, how do you know it won't work if you don't try it" He's probably right.
„The next time you make a wish too" he said and looked back at the sky. We just sat there, looked at the sky and enjoyed the beautiful night. If there was something that I and Riki loved, it was the stars and the Moonlight whether it's dancing or just sitting there and looking at the sky I felt at home as long as there were 2 of us I leaned my head against Riki's shoulder and watched one shooting star after another flying through the sky.
„Beautiful, isn't it?" Riki asked me. „Yeah, I've never seen anything like this" I said „Hmm I do" He looked me in the eyes and took my hand
„and? did you make a wish this time?" he asked curiously.
„Yeah, even if I don't believe in it, it's worth a try" I said and got up
„Do you want to go already?" Riki asked
„nope I want to sit on the edge of the roof"
„Amber, I don't know if that's such a good idea, it's way too dangerous"
Riki said frantically and pulled me back by the hand."Nothing will happen" I tried to calm him down „amber please stay here" I remembered the girl riki had told me about. Has he developed a trauma? „okay okey damn" Just as I was about to sit down on the floor of the roof, I was pulled into a hug by riki. „I love you Amber" He said.
WAIT WHAT? I stood there in shock, not knowing what was happening.
„I just wanted you to know, you don't have to answer that, I'm not asking you to answer." I stood there as he turned to leave.
„Wait Riki!" he stopped and turned around. „I love you too Nishimura Riki" I saw the shock in his eyes but also the relief and happiness.
„I will try my best to make you happy" he said and hugged me tightly „You're already doing that, Riki, you're already doing that"
„Amber will you be my girlfriend?" His English always made me melt, Broke cute English „I would love to" I said and he kissed my forehead
„WHOOOOO FINALLY! IT WAS TIME!" yelled Andrea, who was hiding behind a plant.
„thats our andrea" came from both of us and all 3 of us laughed.

The next day

Riki pov:

„GOOD MOR- oh right amber isn't here" I looked at the clock and it was 12 O'CLOCK?!? SHIT SHIT SHIT. I OVERSLEEP! I HAVE TO GO TO SCHOOL! on the other hand I'm already late anyway, okey no school today. I went to Andrea's room to saw that she was still asleep "Oi ANDREA! WE OVERSLEEP!" I took her blankets away from her and threw her off the bed „Hm? Isn't today Saturday?" she mumbled „No, today is Friday" „oh never mind! then let's eat something! Fuck school" she said and ran into the kitchen. „Andrea, if we cook the whole house will burn," I warned her „Maybe but that's the funny thing about it" she laughed and looked for what to cook „we're out of ramen NOOO what do we eat now?!?"
„I don't know, I can't cook, you don't have to ask me" I said and looked in the fridge. „Dumplings?" Andrea asked. „YES!" I yelled, looking at a recipe on the internet. As soon as we read it, I put the phone down „yeah no thats way to complicated, let's order some" we said at the same time. We ordered all kinds of pizza, dumplings, sushi, more pizza, ramen, onigiri, kimchi, teokbokki and way too much other stuff.

„it looks like we're going to throw a party"
Andrea said and stuffed kimchi into her mouth „amber and sunoo are killing us when they come home" I said with my mouth full. when we finished eating, there were empty boxes everywhere on the floor.
„FUCK Andrea! SUNOO WILL BE COMING HOME IN 5 MIN!" I yelled in panic
„SHIT" she screamed and started to clean up, but it was too late sunoo came home
„What the- how about cleaning up?!"
„Sunoooo my fav hyung"
„If I were you I would clean up before amber is coming home" warned us sunoo
„I'M BACK-" said amber when she walked trough the door
„hello Aimi~" I greeted amber
YOU DONE!?" she yelled
„Come on amber it's not that bad, it's just
a couple of boxes of food" said Andrea
„only a few? It looks like you're having a house party"
„ you know us, we are too stupid to cook"
I said
„THERE WAS FOOD IN THE FRIDGE! i cooked it for ya'll, you just had to warm it up" she said and slapped her own forehead
"Can you help us to clean up?" asked amdrea „NOO" yelled sunoo and amber

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