~cause i love you so~

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Riki pov:
i just stood there in shock the only thing you could see was amber lying in a puddle of blood i didn't know what to do i just stood there trying to get on with my life. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Jake crying, all I did was hug him and wait for an ambulance.
"Couldn't you have been more careful?! DON'T YOU HAVE EYES?" Jake yelled at the driver
"I'm sorry, I didn't see her, that guy suddenly pushed you into the street!" the driver apologized. some time later the police, the ambulance and a couple of teachers finally came. The doctors took amber to the hospital in an emergency, the teachers took me, Jake, Heeseung and Sunhoon back to the others, we stood there with tears in our eyes, with no information, not knowing what was happening, not knowing where Owen was and without knowing what he was going to do next, but one thing I knew, he will regret it, I'll take care of that.
"YOOO GUYS DID ANYONE SEE AMBE- HUH? WHY ARE YOU CRYING?!" Andrea asked us in shock. Sunhoon told her what we knew at the time.
"IT WAS 100% OWEN!" she yelled
"Of course it was him" I support her opinion, I wiped away my tears, crying doesn't make it any better either, and we also had to find owen.
"i'll kill the guy" came from andrea
"I'm helping you"
"riki andrea nobody gets killed here" warned us a teacher standing behind us.
"The police are interviewing the driver and will be interviewing her as soon as Amber is feeling better," he explained
"As soon as she's better?! HAVE YOU SEEN HER?! she almost bled to death! ALSO, IT IS CLEAR THAT IT WAS OWEN" me and andrea argued
"stop jumping to conclusions, you can visit amber after camp" the teacher said.
"I want to go to her right now! She's my cousin, I've lost enough people in my life," he added, but the teacher didn't care one bit. The others tried to cheer me, jake and andrea up all day long, but nothing worked, I didn't know what to do anymore.

What should I do if she dies?
when she disappears from my life forever?will i even get a chance to tell her that i love her?
will i have a chance to see her again?
to talk to her again?
will all these funny and beautiful moments we have together soon be just memories?

"Riki! OI!" I heard a voice snapping me out of my thoughts, the voice belonged to Jay "Hm? what is? I was thinking," I said
"Yes, I noticed we called you 10x or so" he complained
"Oh hm I didn't hear that, sorry" I apologized
"you worry too much try to think positive" sunoo tried to cheer me up
"Hmm I don't feel like thinking positively right now, I'm sad and angry at the same time" I grabbed my headphones and decided to listen to some music, maybe it will help distract me a bit.

Time skip 2am

group chat

are you still awake?!

of corse can't sleep T-T

let's sneak out and go to the hospital

I'm in



Uhm yes?
hello she's my cousin

rich uncle (jay):
i would come 2
but there is a teacher in front of our door
so nope

my friendoo (sunoo):
then tell us everything okey?

okey then let's meet outsiede NOW


shut up

*chat end*

I ran outside with jake where andrea was already waiting, we took a taxi that took us to the hospital.

(I recommend listening to "i love you so")

"we want to go to choi amber"
jake announced at the reception
"ohhhh uhm miss choi is not available at the moment if this goes on like this the doctors may have to put her in a coma" the woman at reception explained to us.
I felt the world shatter beneath my feet. so she's not responsive? and the doctors want to put her in a coma?
I looked over at Jake who just stood there in disbelief.
"Can we still go to her?" he asked a little hesitantly
"Not all together but I'm sure you can go to her for a moment," she explained and led us to the room. We thanked her and Jake went into the room, when he came out Andrea went in and then I.
I entered the room and it hurt my heart to see her like that, I sat down on the chair next to the bed. I just got madder at Owen, how can a person be so heartless.
"amber I know you probably can't hear or answer" I started to talk
"Please stay strong, I need you in my life you helped me with so many things i wish i could have been there for you i wish none of this had happened but... i can't help it i'm scared that everything will just be a memory in my head I was hopping that I wouldn't lose any more friends, hm guess you're the second one. I wish I could go back in time and relive all the funny things. I miss dancing with you in the rain until sunrise, I miss falling asleep with you in my arms, I wish there was something I could do, but I can't... even when you can't hear me I want you to know that i love you..."

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