CHAPTER 3: Brothers found

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He could see Aki smiling softly, the twins eyes softening and the tallest one closing his eyes.

Aki: The 3rd Hokage found out that not only Maelstrom Village was alive but that we were there too, he quickly wrote us a letter pretending it was just a request for exams and wrote us that you were alive, mom and the whole village they thought it was a sick joke, but when the twins returned from their mission from outside the village, they told us that there was a bridge in Wave named after you, it was called The Great Naruto Uzumaki Bridge... So we and some others agreed to come to Konoha to see if he was telling the truth... And here we are...

Naruto didn't know what to say, his mind raced with questions that had no answers, but the only thing on his mind was

Naruto: Jiji lied to me!

Before his brothers could say anything, Naruto pulled the eldest away from him and rushed for the door, he flung it open and ran out of the apartment building. Naruto could almost see his breathing as he ran through the cold night, Konoha was always cold when it was night, he ran to the Hokage Tower not caring if anyone saw him without his henge.

He was pissed and angry and sad and betrayed. The Old Man whom he considered a grandfather had lied to him and told him that he was an orphan, told him that his mother had died and all his family members had also died. He kept running so fast that he didn't hear his names called by the men who claimed to be his brothers. He needed to be sure, he wanted to know the truth, if these guys were telling the truth then why didn't his Jiji tell him.

He was so angry that he didn't realize that tears were streaming down her face and that she was already running up the steps to the Hokage's office. He wanted answers dammit and if it meant beating the Hokage to death then by god he would.

He didn't know why though, he didn't know why he was listening to what those boys were saying, who called themselves his brothers, there was something in the eyes of the older blonde that told him they weren't lying, something told him that he was telling the truth. But first he needed to talk to the Old Man.

She swung the door open, not caring if the Hokage was alone or with anyone in the room, with her tears still streaming down her face, she looked into the room and saw the Hokage startled for a moment, before she could ask anything she screamed angrily.


He could see the shocked look turn to concern and regret, he sighed softly as if he knew what he was talking about. That look was all she needed. She rushed to the desk and yelled as she slammed her hands hard on the desk, causing some papers to fall before he could speak she yelled at him.


He bit his tongue to say the least, wanting the Hokage to respond. He watched the Hokage sigh before saying.

Hiruzen: I didn't know that...

Naruto was shocked for a moment before he clasped his hands on the wooden desk as he said Naruto: What do you mean you didn't know?

He asked angrily, watched the Hokage get up and walk around the table, soon they were facing each other and he bowed down to her level and said.

Hiruzen: I was told by some ANBU that your mother died giving birth to you, and your brothers died fighting against Kyuubi... You must understand, after Kyuubi's attack, I was trying to prevent the villagers and ninjas from idiots to kill you, I was also trying to stop the council members from killing you, I was so busy looking for a way to keep the village safe after the attack and trying to count how many were dead... I didn't have time for any to walk into my office and talk to me, not even for your mother or brothers when they tried to see me.

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