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Nobody said anything...

The wind blew around them and no one said anything. Until they heard shouting and turned to see Sakura say

Sakura: YOU ARE WHAT?! then he pointed to Naruto trying to understand what he had just said.

Naruto smiled and nodded as he said: Yes...I'm really a boy/ the language of animals I would be considered an omega who can get pregnant, except for women

Konohamaru's eyes widened and twitched before he shouted

Konohamaru: THE BOSS IS A GIRL!?

Then he fell backwards and yelled at the sky "A GIRL?!" He stood up and pointed at Naruto yelling "A GIRL?!" Naruto laughed uneasily. Konohamaru then held his head and yelled once again "A GIRL!?"

Kakashi then said, "N-Naruto? What do you mean?" Naruto stared a bit feminine in front of him.

Naruto nodded again and said: I'm really a boy/girl, I've been since the day I was born... and you... Kakashi, being that you're an Alpha and I can smell it from your smell, you must have known that from day one that our team was formed that I was an omega. Want to know what category those two fall into?

Kakashi nodded his head

Naruto: Ok, as you already know too I'll tell you anyway, Sakura is a Beta and Sasuke Teme is... an omega... like me.

Sakura hearing this falls to the ground and begins to despair that her "Sasuke Kun" is not an Alpha but then she said aloud, forgetting that everyone could hear her

Sakura: Sasuke I don't care if you're an Omega I'll still love you and marry you and we'd have lots of kids just the same...

Until you hear that someone slapped him so hard that Sakura flew into a tree and everyone turned to the culprit and saw that it was Naruto.


Sakura looked at him angry and with tears in her eyes

Naruto further explained this law in detail: Omega males can only mate with Alpha males, being that there are no alpha females. Meaning Sasuke can only mate with an Alpha male. If you want to live I would advise you to stay away from him if you don't want something to happen to you, because Alphas are very possessive and protective of their Omegas. And when Sasuke finds his mate and he smells you on him... well you can consider yourself dead. And I can tell you that Kakashi can't be his partner because he's already there, neither are my brothers. Yes, both are Alpha and one of them already has his mate while the other one doesn't smell anything on him so I can't tell you if he found her or not, but still he's not my brother otherwise both Sasuke and my brother would have reacted immediately and they would attack with each other and you would be right now in the hospital, as far as Konohamaru is concerned, Moegi and Udon are a definite match even if they still haven't figured it out but Kono-Kun and an Alpha, Moegi and a omega and Udon and the Beta but they are destined to be together because the three of them are soul mates so they will never part.

Sakura hearing this started crying her eyes out and Sasuke was finally happy that Naruto told her to stop acting like a fangirl she couldn't stand it anymore and gave a sigh of relief, then Sasuke felt Kakashi asked Naruto a question and turned around in his direction.

Kakashi: From what you're telling me you're an omega and you're able to figure out who and who right? If yes then who is my partner? And who is yours?"

Naruto smiled and replied saying: Yes I can know who and who is your partner and... Iruka sensei and how do you know... he acts like a mother hen... and he is very protective of me and if he finds out that you are reading that book in front of me... let's just say you can forget that he will let you touch him for a certain period...

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