CHAPTER 13: Written test

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In a corner of the room, filled with attendees, unseen were two girls and a boy, looking at their princess, the boy with plum-colored hair pulled back in a long high ponytail and dressed in a gray jinbei and aqua blue. He was handsome with a nice straight nose, pointed chin and dark green eyes. Even with the long wavy strands falling across his face they stood out. She smiled as she saw Naruto enter her field of vision, and her brothers entering shortly after her. And Tatsuki turned to them and gave them a smile and was silent.

He along with the other two watched her intently, both he and his teammates were forbidden to see her due to their intense feelings towards her even though they were strangers. They were bonded to each other, ordained by the celestial maiden, born on the same day with a whorl on the side of their neck as a physical symbol of their destiny. They had to protect Naruto in her next battles, guide her on her pilgrimage. She was destined for great things. And they would have looked for her when they were old enough, maybe even a few years before, but when Princess Kushina and her children returned to the village and said that her husband and the little princess had died their hearts were broken, but something inside them she told him not to give up and to keep training and get strong enough for the day and so they did. Many times in their not very clear dreams they always saw a figure who was being abused both physically and psychologically, but the last dream, the one from the night before, had a field with a lake and a waterfall and many animals that surrounded that figure who was near to a piano that was playing it and they heard a song that was melodious, but they also remembered that everyone had believed she was dead and had been prevented from going and looking and seeing with their own eyes and for this they found themselves regretting not having Done.

The boy carefully observed the unfolding of the situation and was also ready to intervene immediately if it was necessary. The two girls like him were also leaning against the wall, observing carefully. The tallest of the girls was pale and wearing a lavender face mask, her dark brown hair half pulled up in a high bun with the rest flat on her back. He wore a taupe tank top and gray ninja pants. She had stoic black eyes with thin eyebrows, which made her look very serious. He had a long sword on his back, thin and pointed with a hole in the end of the handle. It looked just like a needle. He wore his forehead protector, which had the symbol of Eddy's village, tied around his sword strap. While the second girl was of tan skin and had very white hair with a fringe and two pigtails tied under the ears with hair elastics that had small peanuts on them. She had large amber eyes and a wide happy smile. She wore a pink shirt with black short sleeves under a gold dress, the skirt stopped above the thigh strap, and her arms were wrapped around her fingers all the way down. His forehead protector was pinned to the front of his suit. She was very pretty and bubbly.

???: The princess is so... cute!

She said excitedly and a puppy's tail could be seen wagging its tail in happiness.

???: The most beautiful girl in the world.

The boy agreed.

The white-haired girl giggled and the other girl rolled her eyes.

In between with Naruto and Sasuke

Naruto, after the outburst he had with Kakashi, revealing his intentions towards him, all those who were there heard their discussion and also Ibiki who decided that he would teach him a good lesson, about not betraying teammates and children, and together with Sasuke went to the door of the exam room Naruto heard something, he noticed the strangeness of the atmosphere and widened his senses to check what was wrong, but he felt as if something spoke and wanted to assure him that everything was going well, he couldn't understand where the feeling he felt was coming from, it was like the dream he had the day before. Sasuke noticed it too and widened his senses too to see what was wrong, but he couldn't find anything but just felt a lot of homicidal intent towards them.

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