CHAPTER 11: The Chunin Exams Begin!

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Naruto stood up and blinked a couple of times, smacked his lips trying to get rid of the morning taste in his mouth. He yawned and

Once he got to his room he took off his nightgown, which Aki had chosen for him, the pink color he was forced to wear, he stared at it and made a mental note to kill Aki later for throwing away his normal pajamas. He goes to his walk-in closet in search of his ninja clothes. When he found them he thought

Naruto: I wonder how today's training will be...

Then she froze and tried to remember what it was and stared at nothing trying to remember, that it was something important but it didn't occur to her. He shrugged he puts his ninja stuff on the bed and goes to the bathroom to take a quick shower and decides to wash his hair too once he's done he wraps the towel around his waist and the towel on his head to let his hair dry while getting dressed. He comes out of the bathroom and goes to the bed and puts on his uniform and then he takes the towel off his hair which was a bit dry and he tried to comb it but without success and I think about the reason why he let his hair grow so long , he liked to comb his hair before taking the pill and going out, sometimes he braided it over his shoulder. No one would ever see it, but it was good to keep them tied up for when she took the pink pill and didn't have to worry too much about it afterwards.

Brush in hand, she began combing her hair over one shoulder and brushing out the knots and tangles that had formed while wrapped in the towel. Her hair was nice, but it was a bit dry and split from not having cared for it properly like Sakura and Ino did theirs. The only reason he'd let his hair go so long was because the Hokage had once told him, giving him probably the only other piece of information about his parents not loving him, he thought, was that his mother had very long hair. long. So Naruto had raised them, not for a boy to look too cute, but because he thought it would make him feel closer to his mother.

Naruto grunted and growled in frustration as he came to a particularly nasty knot in his hair, trying to force the teeth of the brush through the strands, only to painfully tug at the hair and make it hiss from the sting. He should really cut everything out, it would be much more convenient, maybe after meeting his mother, he thought to himself. Then I jump like a frightened cat when I hear someone behind her talking to him.

Aki: Need help?

Naruto: Huh?

Aki: With your hair, I'm pretty good at fixing it.

Naruto looked at the thick mass of yellow hair, it would take forever to fix it so he nodded. What more harm could it do than it has already done to itself.

Aki: give me the brush and let me do it.

It was a strange feeling to have someone else brush his hair, but not entirely unpleasant. In fact, it was quite cute and he almost fell asleep and then he felt Aki move from behind him that he was finally done and touched his hair, feeling what he had done. She got up from her chair and rushed to the bathroom to look in the mirror.

Naruto: Wow.

Aki had pulled her hair up into a sock bun, with a strand of hair wrapped around the base and twisted into an actual bow at the side of the bun. That was very cute!

Naruto: How the hell did he do that?

Looking at it, it seemed to him that it was much more elaborate than it probably was. He tilted his head at different angles to better see what he had done. You could see her whole face like this, all her hair pulled back. Most of the time she just saw his face as that of a full-fledged boy, even though he didn't feel that way, in fact he felt more like a girl because he liked the clothes that girls wear and the makeup and also go shopping if he has friends to do it with, but unfortunately he can't do it because he has no one to go with or the shopkeepers just chase him away saying "we don't want a demon in our shop" or they charge me the price of the product twice the price its value. But he also knew that very soon all this would change very soon and he would have his revenge on everyone now no one could ever doubt that it was a girl instead of a boy and for this he was very happy. He felt her face, soft and smooth, her eyes almost looking too big without the hair falling over them. Was she pretty? For a second, looking at her reflection, she felt like it. Naruto turned to look at his brother who was impatiently waiting for his reaction.

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