CHAPTER 20: The conclusion of the journey... and the end of the 3rd test

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While they were resting in the cave and waiting for the storm to subside Kushina began to remember the meeting she had had with the family of the builder of the Wave bridge, she closed her eyes and returned to that day in her mind.


Kushina: Thank you so much for letting me and my friends stay here for the night. I'm sorry for all the trouble.

Kushina said with a smile as she put her backpack on her back, Tsunami smiled warmly.

Kushina: Oh, there was no problem, any relationship with Naruto-Chan is welcome here.

Kushina smiled even more and Tsunami giggled softly and said out loud in amusement

Tsunami: Now I know who got his smile Naruto-Chan, yours and his are so similar it's scary.

Kushina couldn't help but ask excitedly: Really?

She had always wondered if it was she who had taken her husband's smile or hers. Last night was a great night for Kushina, because she learned so much about Naruto...

After confronting the older Tazuna and his nephew Inari who were returning home after leaving the bar, Inari had claimed that Naruto had no mother and that he was an orphan, not wanting the rest of the town to hear what Kushina had to say about it, SWIRL suggested going to a smaller area, away from prying ears, the six agreed and headed towards Tazuna's house which was on the edge of town.

Once he reached it, Inari's mother Tsunami was surprised to see her son and father return with a squad of Shinobi in tow. Inari quickly told her mother what had happened outside the bar, and to say the least, Tsunami wasn't convinced that the red-haired woman was actually Naruto's mother, but she let them in when they all swore that they just wanted to talk and that they would also placed all their weapons on the dining room table, which they did.

For a moment they all settled in the living room of the house, and for a while everyone was silent, until Kushina asked very excitedly

Kushina: Then how do you know my Naru-Chan?

She was practically jumping in her seat with excitement wanting to know more about her little girl, she had heard the little story of how Naruto saved Wave from the tyrant Gato from Miki and Nikki but they had simply told her a story they had heard from a little boy so she wasn't sure if it was true, and the other way she had learned about her Naruto was from the letter the Hokage had sent her but she wanted to hear it from someone who knew her daughter personally.

Tazuna, Inari and Tsunami had shared a look of shock and surprise because they knew that excited look anywhere, was the same look Naruto would have. Then the stories began...

During the whole story of how Naruto, without the help of "his" team did not help her in the fight, they saved them from the evil tyrant Gato and how his sensei along with the rest of the team left him there to die and walked away they went, there were surprises, gasps, tears, and hatred for the team, when it was all over Inari asked to know theirs.

Kushina explained to them how she was led to believe that her little girl was dead and how she left the villages because the pain of the death of her daughter and her husband was too hard for her to bear, so she left with her children to return to her homeland, she explained how she received a letter from the Hokage telling her what really happened and how her daughter was actually alive. She then told them about how her children were gone and that she would have to wait a while before she too could get to Konoha and see her daughter for the first time since the day she was born.

Tazuna at the end of the story seemed angry, especially towards the Konoha Council for deceiving a mother into believing that her only daughter was dead, Inari was shocked and silent, and Tsunami, being a mother herself who couldn't imagine the pain of losing a daughter and her husband, only to find out that her daughter was alive after nearly twelve years, she cried for Kushina.

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