CHAPTER 8: Sibling quarrels part 2

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Aki sadly walked through the house, thinking about what had happened the night before, first the fight with her little brother and then the shocking truth of what she had to face and there she realized that her Naru-chan was much stronger and braver to deal with those situations without anyone's help, he walked into the kitchen, sat down at the table and drank some water he had taken, he retired from his thoughts when he looked towards the door and saw his brothers standing there.

Aki: Oh... Hey guys...

The twins stared at each other before Nikki said, Why are you...

Miki: Already turned up Aki?

Then both twins said: We were planning to wake you up...

Aki stared at them and smiled softly: I... couldn't sleep so I got up...

The twins stared at each other before that

Taka said: Are you still thinking about last night?

Aki froze a bit and looked at her cup of water and said a little angrily

Aki: Yes... Aki then heard

Taka: Let him participate in the exams...

Aki stopped and stared at her brother: W-What? What did you just say Taka?

The twins stared wide-eyed at their brother when he said this.

Taka spoke again: Naru-Chan is determined to enter Aki. Let him participate in the exams. It's his decision, not yours...

Aki glared at him and said: I'm his brother Taka, I don't want him to enter the exams and you know, he could get really hurt or worse, be killed.

Taka nodded slightly and crossed his arms saying, "It may be true but look. Naru-Chan lived a life almost alone and I also remind you what he said to that Ibiki and Inoichi, if so well then he would have died already many times, but it's not, and do you know why? Because thanks to the nine-tailed fox, it allows him to survive, it also seems that she has taken a liking to him, from what I see he likes Naru-chan and I remind you that that fox, before his mum kept him and sometimes if you remember they had their bickering, but they got along well, he also learned to take care of himself and he showed the whole world that he also knows how to defend himself, he's not weak, he's strong. Aki wants to prove it with this exam. If you keep telling him no, then he'll think you think he's weak...

Aki almost screamed: But he's not weak.

Taka nodded and said: No, it's not. But every time you told him no and denied her the right to take exams, he felt like you were saying yes. Aki, it needs time. She's still not used to having siblings and he's defiantly not used to someone saying no to something he's decided to do. It's just like mom and you know it. When he sets his mind to something, there's no stopping him... Please... let him take these exams. If he fails, he fails and he'll have to wait until next time, but if he passes, then well, he's getting closer to his dream... And you know that dream, Aki. It's almost like yours... Although now he has some doubts...

Aki stared at Taka, in question and wonder, shook her head but she heard

Taka: He wants to be the next Hokage... He wants to be just like dad... And if I remember correctly Aki, your dream is to be the next Uzukage...

Aki's eyes widened a bit. Does his own little brother want to be a Kage? Just like him, did he want to be a Kage? Of course he wanted to be the Hokage, but still. A Kage? A village chief? The Uzukage was Maelstrom's Kage, the most respected person in the entire village.

He stared at Taka as he continued, "I know you and the twins don't want him to enter but it's his decision and you know it Aki...Let me show you what he can do...

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