Chapter 2

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During breakfast, my father was busy in the living room as usual watching the news. This time, they were showing the recent stocks. The Tangwai families stock rose to 15% through donations and charity. Which I rolled my eye's to because there was no way that they were generous people like they claim to be in eyes of the public. Me and my father glanced at each other in disbelief after what their family did to us and many more. Unfortunately, the government couldn't intervene in how powerful their family were becoming. I glanced over at Pam as she stared at the second son of the Tangwai family, Nuttarat Tangwai aka No Eul Tangwai. He was the most popular member of the Tangwai family as he was smart and handsome. He graduated at one of the prestigious schools in Korea, majoring in Business and he could speak Four different languages. Furthermore, he was once a K-pop trainee as he knows also how to dance as well. However, he decided to pursue business as becoming a K-pop idol was a distant dream.

Pam was busy staring at him with googly eye's as she ate her food. I thought to myself that I wouldn't never want my sister to marry into some guy like that. By the time the segment was over, I hurried my sister out of the door for school and went to work at my parent's store. After I went to work at the hospital, there was not many people in the waiting room. I spent most of my time dealing with patients' paperwork and reviewing their information. Mr. Sirichai, he went over some important medical procedures with me, it felt like being in medical school all over again. Then, Beam, she taught me all the computer systems when it came to personal medical information that pertained to the patients. After work, me and Beam went out to eat for dinner since it was late. I texted my parents letting them know that I was going out with a friend for dinner, and I would back home late. We went out for BBQ since most of the hot spots in Bangkok was overly crowded since it was the nightlife.

"Honestly, what made you want to take this route?" she asked.

"I mean...I have been honest behind my reason." I responded.


"May I ask? Why did you take this route as a receptionist as this hospital? Most people would have joined a nice and prestigious one like the ones that are associated with the Tangwai's." I spoke.

*Laughs* "Funny, you mention the Tangwai family. It seems like you hate them, which is something that I wasn't expecting." she said.

"Of course, after what they did to my family." I spoke.

"Boss, I understand how you feel about the Tangwai's. However, don't make this your whole existence. You should focus on making a better life for you and your family. Because you will only get hurt if you focus on them too much and what already happened." she explained

"What do you mean?" I questioned.

"I am not the biggest fan of that family either considering they have been benefiting off the backs of poor people; however, I don't make this my whole existence. Before I knew, you seemed pretty good, I noticed that you're skilled. On the other hand, you seem like you have a chip on your shoulder with everything that is going on with your family. There is nothing wrong with being poor or even rich, it just matters on what's in your heart." she explained


"I think that your family is going to be fine as long as you focus and take care of yourself as well. Besides, I don't think that your family is worried about their financial issues the way that you're. As Mr. Sirichai mentioned that he liked the fact that you're trying to repay your parents for their support and kindness of spending their savings on your education. However, have you questioned how they felt about it and how they did it without hesitation?" she said?

"Actually...I haven't." I replied.

"It's because...they love you" she said smiling.

After having dinner with Beam, it made me rethink about why I want to be a doctor and my perspective on my family situation. I think that my father may be upset as he spends most of his time watching the news on the Tangwai's, which is not healthy, but I want to make things better for them. Which I thought that it would be a good idea to finally come out about me working at a local hospital. As it was not a good idea for me to keep something like this a secret before they find out about it. On my home, I decided to walk through the park as it was a short cut to my house. Before I could get through the path, I heard two people arguing. It seemed to be a tall, guy with nice short light brown hair and what seemed to be a young lady with long black hair. He seemed very calm while she was loud and upset about something.

(Why are you doing this to me?)

(We were doing perfectly fine yesterday?)

(Do you know that your family is going to be upset about this?)

As she kept on going on and on, he just stood their calm without saying anything. At first, I felt bad for her to be with a jerk of a guy, but then I remembered that this was none of my business. I just knew that this was the type of jerk that I wanted my sister, Pam to stay clear of. The young lady finally stopped questioning him since she seemed to understand that she wasn't getting anywhere with him. She just stood there for a few minutes, until he whispered something into her ears. Because it was so dark, I could only see her silhouette drop to the ground. Which in return, he just walked away without any hesitation. I wanted to comfort her but again it wasn't my business to intervene as I just walked home.


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