Chapter 3

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The chairman of the Tangwai family was slowly thinking about his retirement from the company, however he wanted to insure that his second son, No Eul, who was in line to inherit the company, had someone in mind to get married to. He made sure to set up varies of dating apps and blind dates for his son to choose from, he was aware that his son didn't settle with none of the people that he had in mind. At first, the old man thought that his son was beginning to become interested until he heard from his sons assistant that he broke up with another young lady. He began to think about whether his son was gay and liked men. He personally wanted to confront him about it, but No Eul was always busy to have a conversation.

The lady of the house, madam Tangwai was focus on her other children then No Eul, was her husband's ex wife's son. She was pretty upset that the old man was focusing on him getting married but not her son who is the oldest of No Eul and that he was picking good women for him. It made her blood boil that she decided to start looking for women for her son, Krist. She would even go out with the other wealthy, prodigious women and gossip about how her husband treats her and her children. Unfortunately, she didn't realize that the other women didn't care about her problems since they had bigger issues. No Eul was set to inherit the company, which meant that he was going to fire people and hire new people if they didn't meet his expectation. This could put many other rich; wealthy families associated to the Tangwai's in jeopardy. Many of the older men were afraid of pissing off the young man as their family would crumble. 

As No Eul entered the house late at night, the old man called for a family meeting even though one member of the family was absent. Of course, everyone was unhappy because they knew what this meant even the young man. At this point, all of the members had to suck up to No Eul considering that this would now be his house when the old man dies. However, the lady of the house was not to happy about this arrangement considering that she was now the wife of the old man. Therefore, her son Krist should be entitled to the company and the other assets of the old man. She thought that before the old man dies that she should seek out a lawyer to rearrange the old man's will. Ever since marrying the old man, No Eul has not been keen on the lady of the house nor his step siblings as he has distance himself. He has went to school abroad, vacationed, and worked through other outside branches of his father. Which made others in the family come to terms with his distain for his step mother and siblings. 

Everyone gathered to the table that was beautifully set, which the lady of the house made sure of when entertaining guests. However, for this occasion it was mildly set due to what was about to come. Fah, who was the third oldest of the Tangwai family, she was smart just like her older brother No Eul and gorgeously pretty. She was very modest just as her mother once were as she resembled her when she was young. Furthermore, she had long brown hair that fell to her lower waist and light brown eye's that she got from her father. Everyone adored her because she was respectful, smart, and was the brain behind a lot of her creations as she owned her own jewelry store. Many men even respected her not because of who her family was but because she was different. She wasn't like many other rich girls who were entitled because they had money and came from a power family. 

Next, you had Dara who was the youngest daughter beside Fah. She had short brown hair unlike her older sister, but dark brown eye's that she got from her mother. She was a complete opposite of her older sister, Fah, she was spoiled and entitled. She was currently attending her first year in High school and everyone feared her because of her family. Last but not least, you had the eldest of the family, Krist, who many thought was going to inherit the families empire due to being smart, kind, and traditional. However, it turned out that his younger brother was going to claim it all. Krist has brown hair just like his mother and dark brown eye's. 

"I, thank you all for joining me this fine night for another family meeting." he said 

"Dad, what now? Why do we need another family meeting?" Fah asked 

"Yeah, honey. I thought everything was fine." Mrs. Tangwai said 

"Settle down! Everything is fine, I just have an announcement to make officially since their have been an abundance of rumors going on within the company and publicly. Since I am not getting younger, it is best to make my will so at least my remaining family can have something. As my health is deteriorating, it has come to my attention that many thing that my eldest son Krist would be inheriting the company. Unfoundedly, No Eul, my second oldest son will be the one to inherit my company as well as this very house that you're staying in." he said firmly 

"What! Why is No Eul getting everything that should have been Krist? Dad! He is the oldest of all of us, he should be getting the company." Dara whined 

*Glares at No Eul* "Dad, I think you should rethink this." Fah said 

"Honey!" Mrs. Tangwai said resting her hands on Mr. Tangwai's leg 

"Enough! I have made my decision already on who is getting what and that's the end of it." he said 


"Mother, you know that its not fair that No Eul is getting the company especially since he doesn't do anything. How could father be so..." Dara said

"Foolish? I know. I am thinking of a way to rectify the situation but its going to take time, so for the time being we are going to have to sit back on this." she said 

"I am going to invest in the shares into the company, therefore I can sit on the board and be able to make decisions on behalf of us." Fah said 

"Good idea, Fah!" Mrs. Tangwai said 

"Of course, I am going to promote Krist since he is pretty handsome at my school. This will making many students who come from wealthy background including the families who invested into our companies support Krist." Dara said 

"The only thing Krist needs to do is continue doing his filial duties for his father." Mrs. Tangwai said smiling 


"Son, I know that you don't care to be the president of the company, but this is the most that I can do for you after what I did to your mother." Mr. Tangwai said 

"Do you really think doing this would get you in my good graces?" I asked 

"No, I must bare the burden of doing this you and your beloved mother. Which is why I said that I know that you don't care about being the president of my company, but this is the most that I can do for you after what I did to your mother." he said 

"Well, I am glad you know." I said coldly 

"Have you at least found yourself a wife, yet?" he asked 


"Are you gay?" he asked 

"What!" I said shocked 

"All the women that I have tried to partner you with you don't seem to be interested in, so I could only come up with the conclusion that you might" he said 

"No, I am not gay." I said 

"Then, what's the problem?" he asked 

"Nothing!" I said leaving the office 

As No Eul left his father's office, he went into his room that was one room down from his oldest brother, Krist. No Eul and Krist stood standing in each other presence before they walked pass one another giving a slight smirk. As No Eul entered his room, he pondered the idea of actually obeying his father's wishes. However, their wasn't no need to since he was already inheriting the company that he didn't want. But, he thought it would be a good idea to humble his step mother and siblings. On the other hand, he didn't know how to go about since he would be giving up his freedom in the process. He had to find someone willing to marry him, while also being able to put up with them. 

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