Chapter 10

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The following morning,  Noeul woke up before Boss did. While he was still asleep, he pulled the blanket to cover him. Noeul asked his assistant to fetch Boss some clothes to wear for later on. While his assistant went out to get some clothes, Noeul headed downstairs to make breakfast for the both of them. As he was making breakfast, his siblings all came down to the kitchen and sat down at the kitchen table. Noeul didn't have time to argue with them about how they felt about his partner, however he expected them to be on their best behavior. He was already annoyed with their behavior the night before as they didn't have no manners. Therefore, he didn't want the same thing to repeat itself. He decided to have his assistant take Noeul out and look around the house to get familiar with it. Since, he would eventually be living with him as his husband. 

Once breakfast was made, Boss came downstairs, he was still out of it while rubbing his eyes and yawning. He finally sat down on the kitchen stool and open his eyes to the spread of food in front of him. He glanced up at Noeul with a stunned faced realizing that he cooked all this food for him. Noeul's siblings were glancing at the both of them with stunned faces that they were being serious. Noeul was happy that Boss was happy as he ate his food. Noeul told Boss that his clothes would soon be delivered by his assistant, so he could wash up. 

After Boss washed up, Noeul's assistant told him that Noeul had some important business to take care of and that he would be back. So, he instructed him to see over him while he is gone as he can take a tour of the house. Of course, Boss was interested in taking a tour of the house, since it would be a good opportunity to get to know more about Noeul's family. While Boss took a tour of Noeul's house, it was pretty spacious, he decided to hang out at the pool since it was a nice sunny day. As he relaxed, he noticed Noeul's siblings glaring at him from afar. Boss decided to get up from the lounge chair and sit by the pool side letting his feet touched the water. Noeul's siblings had came from inside the house to walked directly towards him. Boss was confused as he didn't do anything for them to come walk over to him unprovoked. 

"Who are you?" Dara asked 

"Excuse me?" Boss replied confused 

"You heard what I said, who are you?" she asked 

"I am Boss." he replied 

"Boss? What type of name is that?" she questioned 

"Anyways, you should stay away from Noeul." Krist threatened

"Why?" Boss asked 

"Because, we know why you're here. You're here to get close to Noeul just so that you can get his money." Krist said 

"Why would you think that?" Boss said curiously 

"Even though, you said last night that you and Noeul have been secretly dating. It doesn't add up since Noeul kept saying that he wasn't interested in anyone. Furthermore, our father had him going on blind dates as a way for him to find someone." Fah said 

"Yeah! I am fully aware." Boss replied 

"What?!" Dara asked 

"Yeah, I am fully aware. I told him that it was the best idea that he comply with his father since its his father's wish. I was not going to persuade him to go against his father's wishes since it wouldn't be right. Besides, I respect Mr.Tangwai as anyone should as he is the head of the household." Boss explained 


"Like I said before, I am aware as I said before me and Noeul have been together for some time now. Our relationship was kept a secret because I didn't want to come out about it, which Noeul gladly respected." he said 

"Then, why all of a sudden you want to come out now?" Fah asked 

"Because, Noeul insisted as he couldn't keep it a secret anyone. Besides, Mr.Tangwai kept wanting him to settle down. I was against Noeul wanting to marry me, but I finally accepted it." he said 

"I still don't believe you." Fah said 

As Fah made her final statement, Boss could only think how toxic Noeul's family really is. They don't have any respect for him nor Noeul as they dared to question his relationship with their brother. However, nobody dared to question Krist about his relationship with his fiancé. Boss knew that it was all a sham because Noeul told him before and he could tell by how they interact with each other. Krist's Fiancé, she always stays quiet unless someone addresses her or Krist tells her to and she is very careful with her words. He couldn't stand to see Noeul in this type of position, so he made vow that he would help Noeul. 

All of a sudden, an angry Noeul came from inside the house to the pool area. He pushed his sibling's away from Boss who was sitting down beside the pool edge. He threatened to hurt them if they didn't get away from his boyfriend. Fah, Krist, and Dara was shocked since he defended an outsider. They both tried to share their thoughts on him (Boss) being a gold-digger trying to get money out of him. As Noeul heard these words come out of their mouths, it just made him more furious that they would accuse his boyfriend of being a gold-digger. Not realizing that their very own mother were the very thing they were accusing his boyfriend of being and that they got inherited things that didn't belong to them.

 Noeul grabbed Boss from the pool then hurried him inside the house to get away from them. Boss glanced at Noeul who was really upset, he grabbed Noeul pulling him back to his room. He hugged Noeul tightly resting his head of his shoulders and took a deep breath. He then pulled away grabbing Noeul by the neck kissing him while holding him tightly. Noeul pulled away with a slight look of shock on his face that he would be the to make the first move. However, he did when confronting him about being his contractual partner. He was busy lost in thought that Boss kept on glancing at him. Noeul finally caught wind of reality and kissed him back with a smile. 

They began to make out with Noeul wrapping his arms around Boss as they shared tongues with each other. Both of them started feeling hot as their body heat kept on rising with each transfer of intimacy. Boss threw Noeul down on the bed as he decided to be on top of him, which made him want Noeul more and more. He began to kiss Noeul's neck filling them with love marks as Noeul moaned in pleasure. He could feel him getting hard for him, yet he didn't want to make the final move. Noeul whispered to him that it was okay giving him the consent to go further with their sexual advances. Boss nodded and began kissing him. He even went as far as to take off his shirt along with Noeul who was deep in pleasure. Then, they took it even further by taken off their pants. Boss was intrigued by Noeul's excitement that he decided to take it upon himself to thrust into Noeul. Noeul's eyes lit up as he caught win of what Boss was doing and let out a huge moan. He liked it, so Boss kept on thrusting into him getting an idea of what it would be like to actual have sex with the legendary Noeul. 

* Sorry that I haven't posted, I have been really busy so I decided that I needed to update you all. Sorry for the short update, I'll do longer ones when I have the time. 

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