Chapter 7

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Noeul woke up extra early in the morning to drive out to Chiang Mai to visit Boss. Noeul's father and siblings were sitting at the dinning room table eating breakfast now that Mrs.Tangwai was out of the country. Of course, they had the nerve to question him about where he was going so early in the morning on the weekend. Noeul only answered to his father's suspicion, he told him that the was going out of the city to visit a friend. Mr.Tangwai had approved and waved his hand in a gesture signaling for him to leave. Fah, Krist and Dara were upset because they had to spend time with their father in order to get in his good graces. 

In Chiang Mai, Noeul stopped to get some street food since he never had street food since coming back to Thailand. When he got to the hospital, he saw Boss entering the building so he got out from the car to head into the building as well. It was full in the waiting room as so many elderly patients needed attending to. Noeul sat down thinking to himself that this place really needed to be renovated so that patients could have a better experience. Additionally, their needed to be more employee's on deck since their were a lot of patients. This was something that he would consider when he goes into the office on his work day. 

After the long rush of patients, Boss looked rather tired from helping Beam with all the paper work for the patients. Noeul had approached Boss with a back of street food since the young man didn't seem to have any food packed. Boss hesitated as he didn't expect someone such as Noeul to not only buy him food but interact with. He took the food as Noeul sat next to him watching him enjoy the food. Beam watched from the receptionist desk and couldn't believe her own eye's as well. She couldn't believe someone so handsome and wealthy was taking an interest in Boss; young, poor; yet handsome. She left from the desk with a small smile while entering Mr.Sirichai's office.

"Boss, I think that you should definitely consider doing more business with Mr.Noeul." she said 

"What is up with everyone having such a change of heart with that man?" he questioned 

"I think that he is not like the other members of the Tangwai group." she mentioned 

"Or maybe, its because he is handsome?" he asked 

"Yes, he is indeed handsome. However, he is also smart and rather well mannered." she said 

"How do you know this for sure to be true?" he questioned 

"Because, I looked him up and besides you can ask him yourself." she responded 

"Sure?" he scoffed 

"Boss, you are sure stubborn." she said laughing 


Noeul and Boss were busy in the waiting room eating while Beam and Mr.Sirichai went out for lunch. Noeul thought that this would be a good time to pop the question to Boss about being his boyfriend. However, he never had to confess to someone as matter's like this became easy to him. Yet, he was really desperate at this point since he didn't have another option. Suddenly, Noeul's assistant popped up in time with the contract for Boss. Noeul made a quick glance at his assistant to hand the paper to Boss so that he could look at it. For that reason, it would give him a good excuse not to have to ask him about such a matter directly. 

When Noeul's assistant handed Boss the contract, Boss was very confused on the paper he was handed. When Boss read the paper, he was very much shocked that Noeul handed him a contract to be his fiancé. To Boss's dismay, he had to reject the idea because it was impossible for him to fulfil that obligation. Of course, Noeul didn't like Boss's response to the idea but the only thing he could do is respect it and find another idea. Of course, he still wanted to remain close to the handsome young man and do business with Mr.Sirichai. He took the paper from Boss's hand and left with his assistant.

Boss was rather reluctant about the situation, yet he thought about thinking about more after. He wasn't in a good space to think about such a thing since he was at work. He knew that his parents would not agree to such a matter since they didn't like his family. Then, he thought about them getting exposed for their marriage being a sham and him being poor most of all. Since, Noeul left without letting him explain, he thought it would be a good idea to meet up with him to talk it out. 

As Noeul was heading back to Bangkok, he was rather disappointed that Boss rejected the offer. However, he was just disappointed about the rejection, but rather this was the first time that he was rejected by someone. As he glanced outside as it rained, he could only think about Boss as the rain kept on hitting the window. On the other side of town, Boss could only think about Noeul as he stared outside the rainy city of Chiang Mai. 


When Noeul arrived at home, he walked into something utterly displeasing to hear. There standing was Krist and a women, whom he didn't remember seeing before kneeling in front of Mr.Tangwai. He was welcome into the living room, he took sat right next to his father in the chair next to him and observed the matter. Of course, he knew that this had to be plotted not only between his siblings but his stepmother as well. However, he wanted to remain unfazed and rather be amused by the stupidity. 

"Father, I want to marry Ms.Darika." Krist confessed 

"Why?" he questioned 

"Why? Because I thought that this would be such a good moment to finally settle down." he said 

"Are you sure you're ready for such a commitment?" Mr.Tangwai asked 

"Yes, father." he said 

"What about you Ms.Darika?" Mr.Tangwai asked

"Yes!" she replied smiling 

"What do you think Noeul?" Mr.Tangwai asked 

"I don't see nothing wrong with the matter. I will prepare for the wedding and for them to move out." Noeul said 

"Move out?" Krist questioned 

"Yes, what did you think you were going to stay here while married." Noeul questioned 

"Father?" Krist shouted 

"Don't mention me, you said you were ready to commit." he said 

"Yes, but I didn't think..."

"You didn't think you would have to move out of the house." Noeul finished 

"Do you think mother would be happy with such decision?" he asked 

"Does it matter? After all, this is my house so I make the rules."Noeul said 

"Krist!" Darika shouted as she hit him 

Noeul made it very much clear to Krist that he would be moving out of the house once he married the young lady, Darika. She is the daughter of a famous chaebol in Korea, she came all the way from home to marry Krist as his mother arranged. Ms.Darika is a beautiful women who is slender, tanned, and has long brown hair. It would be such a lose to ruin such an opportunity to unite two wealthy families together. Noeul was rather amused by the outcome of the situation and flattered that his mother would pick a Korean women to marry his brother. He could only be reminded by the disgust that "that" woman did to his mother whom was indeed Korean. Additionally, he really didn't agree with the marriage as Ms.Darika had a good reputation and she was a good woman. He didn't want her to be mistreated in the way that his mother was. 

He contact his assistant to make sure that he puts money aside for Ms.Davika if anything should happen in the future between her and Krist. Furthermore, he was looking forward with his brother getting married. Even though, Krist thought that he could one up him with a marriage announcement. But, he just knew that he would let him and his mother get their way with this one and go with their plans. On the other hand, he knew that he had bigger things to worry about like the company and getting engaged. 

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