Chapter 5

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No Eul woke up early in the morning to prepare more work for when he inherited the family company. He asked his assistant for all the finances and numbers for each of the hospitals that were bought. Fah came into the kitchen to fix herself breakfast. She glanced at No Eul, who was busy with paperwork. No Eul didn't utter a word at her as she sat down in front of him, making her annoyed. Afterward, he left to head to the company to finish revising how he might make the company better than how it currently is. He knew that his stepmother and siblings wouldn't approve of it, which is why they were not a part of the board. However, he didn't care because it wasn't like they cared about the state of the company and employees. They just wanted to use the company to further out their position and status within the community and family. 

As No Eul left to head to the company, Fah and the rest of the other sibling sat at the table in complete distain as No Eul got everything. They were waiting for their mother to pull up a plan to take him down, yet he just kept on getting powerful. Krist was still blindsided by the thought of not being able to have a position at the office. However, he knew another way to go about getting what he wanted and so as the other siblings. They knew that their father would be at the company today and he would be in a meeting with the other investors, so they took this time to interrupt the meeting to make a point. Of course, their mother wouldn't be in on the whole plan since she would be out with her friends. 

During the meeting, everyone in the meeting were eager to know if the rumors were indeed true that No Eul would be inheriting the company. However, Mr. Tangwai hadn't addressed the rumors as it wasn't time as of yet. He wanted to wait until the right time, since No Eul was still figuring out how the company operated. However, this would not go as plan as his kids entered the see through office with folded arms. He knew that something was going to happen, since his children always have something plan when they don't agree with something. Mr. Tangwai's assistant glanced at the chairman, but Mr. Tangwai waved him off. He was eager to know how they were going to embarrass him this time in front of his investors. 

"Father! We don't agree with No Eul getting the company." Dara said 

"Mr. Tangwai! No Eul is indeed getting the company?" Mr. Chai asked 

"Wow! Father, you didn't tell your investors that No Eul was getting the company, yet." Dara said in amusement 

"Well, No Eul will be getting the company soon." Fah said 

"Is that true, sir?" Mr. Chai asked 

"Yes!" Mr. Tangwai said closing his eyes 

"How could this be?" Mr. Chai asked alongside others

"Yes, father, how could this be?"  Dara asked with a grin

"Because he is the only one out of my kids that I will allow to inherit this company and actually to do right." he said 

"What does that mean?" Dara asked 

"I'll tell you what that means, it means that he is actually qualified to be the next chairman of this company." He said angry 

"Father, aren't I qualified?" Krist asked 

"No! You're not. Don't for a second think that I don't know that you paid someone to get into a prestigious college with the help of your mother and you cheated by having another student do your studies. In addition, you have not earned my respect as far as trying to inherit the company. You have not came to the company and oversee what its like to work. But, you want to get the company now that your brother is set to inherit the company." he said 

"Father, but you said that we must use our resources to our advantage." Krist said

"Idiot! He meant you must use your resources to benefit others not yourself. I attended a prestigious school in Korea but I paid for it by working at father's parent company in Korea." No Eul interrupted 

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