Chapter 11

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The following morning, Noeul woke up and got ready for work. Boss was still asleep on the bed next to him curled up, so he tried not to make so much noise. As he took a hot shower, he brushed his hands through his brown short hair as he let the water soothe him. He vividly remember what happened the night before, yet he didn't feel indifferent about what happened. This was undoubtly the first time that he let someone do anything with him. At the thought that he was inexperience, he thought that maybe Boss would look at him differently. Since, he was rich and handsome; it would be a lie to think that Noeul didn't have his first with someone. 

As he was finishing putting on clothes, he decided to leave a note beside Boss since he was still asleep. He also was going to ask his assistant to take him to work and make sure that he takes good care of him. As he laid the note on the tableside, Boss turned around facing him and grabbed his arm. He mumbled in his sleep asking if Noeul was leaving for work already and if he wasn't going to kiss him goodbye. Noeul was taking a back from Boss's request as he said it with such seriousness. He began to wonder if he was serious about him wanting to kiss him. However, Boss kept on pulling at his jacket suit for him to kiss him goodbye while pouting. Therefore, he stooped low to meet him at his height so that he could kiss him on the cheek. As he kissed him, Boss was still upset as he pointed to his lips. Noeul quickly glanced at his watch noticing that he was going to be late, so he kissed Boss on his lips giving what he wanted. Boss waved to him goodbye as he exited the room to head to work.

When Noeul left for work, Boss decided to take a bathe since he didn't have to head to work until later in the day. So, he took that time to take a nice warm relaxing bath. After he went downstairs to see if anyone was there since he was hungry for breakfast. He went into the fridge to see if Noeul left him something, which he did before he went to work. He smiled as he grabbed the food out of the fridge to eat. As he was eating he noticed Mr.Tangwai walking into the kitchen with the help of his assistant. Boss got out of his seat to help Mr.Tangwai, who was having a difficult time getting onto the bar stool. The old man thanked Boss for helping him since this was something he wasn't expecting from him. Boss gladly thanked him for such compliment as he was suggesting that his kids didn't have the kindness  that he did. Boss decided to share his food that Noeul cooked for him with Mr.Tangwai, he even mentioned how of a good cook Noeul is. Which Mr.Tangwai was stunned about since he didn't know that Noeul could cook as he never cooked. 

As they were talking, Fah walked into the kitchen noticing their close relations. Which she was not fond about since she didn't trust Boss who was now engaged to Noeul. Fah knew that she would have to get some background information on him. Overall, she just wasn't buying his relationship with her brother. Boss glanced at Fah she also grabbed herself something to eat and sat across from Boss. He could feel the awkward vibe between him and Fah. However, he disregarded it and focused on his conversation with Mr.Tangwai, who was enjoying his company. 

After, he told Mr.Tangwai that he had to go to work since it was getting late. Besides, his boss Mr.Sirichai called him in so that he could get a little more practice in before his exam. Mr.Tangwai was interesting in wondering what he did, yet he could see Fah from the corner of his eye's listening in on the conversation. He had no choice but to lie and tell the old man that he worked at one of their hospital. Mr.Tangwai was surprised since it meant that Boss was familiar with what they did. He thought he would be a good fit for the family as he worked and he worked at their hospital. Mr.Tangwai smiled at him urging him to head to work, he even offered his assistant to drop him to work. Which Boss wanted to decline but he was admit about him going with his assistant since he wanted him to be their safe. Of course, Mr.Tangwai knew that if anything happened to Boss, Noeul wouldn't be happy about it. He gladly insisted that his assistant take Boss to work. 

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