Chapter 8

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The Following morning, Noeul didn't feel up to working at the company but he knew his responsibilities. He arranged for his assistant to have him set up blind dates as soon as possible. Also, he told him to make sure that nobody knows about this including his father. Noeul got up from the bed, took a shower and got ready for work at the office. 

At the office, he had to glance at the budget to put towards the hospital in Chiang Mai. Just the thought of it made him think of Boss, he didn't want to take a trip out there for the fear of their interaction being awkward. He handed the check to his assistant so he could handle all the renovation in Chiang Mai, while he dealt with other business related affairs. In addition, he had another meeting his the investors of the company as he wanted to limit some of the companies spending. Which they were all on board with and didn't give any troubles with. He knew that this wouldn't last long as the rumors in the office became more rapid with him being unmarried. Furthermore, they heard of his older brother now being engaged and thought he was more of a better fit. However, Noeul didn't let this faze him since he was already set to have blind dates arranged. 

He thought it would be more better to have a woman act as his wife. He didn't feel comfortable dating a man since his father already suspected his sexuality. After work, he went on his first blind date in awhile, the lady name was Fan. She was pretty sweet, but she didn't meet his requirements. As he noticed that she had little manners as she would interrupt him, it would be hard to train her knowing how his family is. As his assistant picked him up, he became very annoyed and frustrated with how difficult it was trying to find a suitable partner. Noeul's assistant reassured him that he would find a suitable partner but he must remain patient. 


It was Boss's day off from work, yet he chose to come in to see of Noeul came all the way to Bangkok to Chiang Mai. He even decided to pack a snack for both of them to share to repay him for the street food. He even wanted to talk to Noeul about the proposal of being his fiancé. Boss still wasn't thrilled about the idea but he wanted to at least give it a try. However, when he reached the hospital he didn't see Noeul's red Ferrari outside of the building. He suspected that Noeul didn't visit today and was probably busy at work in Bangkok. Furthermore, he should have at least think to trade phone numbers so that he could get in contact with him. 

Boss was disappointed with Noeul not visiting that he decided to visit him in Bangkok. He took a cab out to Bangkok to visit Noeul at his job, which he searched up the directions. As he arrived, he couldn't believe how pretty and tall the building was, it was something that he hadn't seen much off. The only time he saw a pretty tall building was when he went to Bangkok for school since he graduated at the University of Bangkok in the medical department. As he entered, he thought to go see the receptionist desk to ask to see him as their was two women sitting at the desk. Unfortunately, they told him that he couldn't see Mr.Noeul unless he had an appointment with him. So, he decided to wait in the lobby until Noeul came down at some point. He felt uncomfortable since many were staring at him while he was waiting. 

Suddenly, he noticed that Noeul's assistant had came down from the elevator. He stood up from the couch and waved him off. Noeul's assistant hurried to him in shock that he was here waiting for Noeul, so he took him up to see Noeul. As he was in the elevator, Boss couldn't help glance at the nice decorated building. As Noeul's assistant walked him to Noeul's office, he could see the female employee's glares as he gets escorted to Noeul's office. He could see Noeul's short brown hair through the class as he was busy filling out paper work. Of course, he waited outside of the door until his assistant notified him that he was there to see him. When his assistant gestured for him to come in, he was afraid considering that he hadn't seen Noeul for weeks. 

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