Chapter 12

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Early in the morning, Both Noeul and Boss took off of work so that they could go shopping for some clothes. Boss had been living with Noeul so he needed clothes to fill up his closet, so it was a good idea for them both to go shopping together. Furthermore, Noeul wanted to spend some more time with Boss and hang out. It was nice having him around so that he didn't have to constantly deal with his family drama. Boss was excited that he would get to hand out with Noeul as well since he has also taking a liking to him. As they got ready, he heard a loud commotion going on downstairs, so he decided to take a look. He stood by the railing over looking the main entrance of the house to only realize that his step mother has returned home from her trip. Noeul was disappoint yet not surprised as his siblings did do what they were told to do. It was surprising that she would come back at a time like this since both him and Krist were engaged. 

As Noeul stared down at Mrs.Tangwai, everyone gathered to hug her including his father who welcomed her back. She even glared at him looking up from the main entrance of the house with a smirk on her face. Noeul knew that she was back to her old ways which was much to suspect as he let out a huge sigh. He only knew that he had to protect Boss from her since he loved him dearly and would not tolerate their disrespect. Mrs.Tangwai questioned Noeul if he was going to come down from staircase to welcome her back home. However, Boss came from their room to see what was holding him back. Krist, Fah, and Dara smiled as Boss came from upstairs to see Noeul, who glanced back at him with a not so happy look on his face. Dara grabbed her mother's hand telling her that he is Noeul's fiancé and that they revealed their engagement soon after she left. Mrs.Tangwai looked at Noeul in disbelief as she stared at Boss with the idea that they are engaged. She knew that this was unacceptable as in Thailand same-sex marriage wasn't acknowledge or recognized. 

She gathered Noeul, Boss and Mr.Tangwai into the living room without her children. She discussed with Mr.Tangwai about the history of their relationship as nobody knew about them being together. She talked to Mr.Tangwai about how their marriage wouldn't be recognized in the eye's of the law. How could they deal with a prenup, divorce, or even what assets go with whom once they split. Noeul was upset with the questioning that she had in line until Boss interrupted her. Boss spoke up about no liking that she is speaking of their marriage in such a negative way before it even happens. Boss knew that she was an ill women since she didn't have any faith in her son's marriage. He even added that he loved Noeul so much that he wouldn't want to divorce he no matter what happened. Noeul even added by saying that he loved Boss as well and wouldn't even think to divorce him either. Mr.Tangwai was thrilled upon hearing that his son finally found someone to love and love him back. 

Mr.Tangwai told his wife that it wasn't a problem and that he wanted to allow Noeul to make his own decision when it concerned his engagement. Both Noeul and Boss were pleased that Mr.Tangwai blessed them with his approval of their marriage. After, they left to go the mall to shop for some clothes. Mrs.Tangwai wasn't pleased with her husbands decision since she wasn't apart of the decision making. She was even upset that her husband didn't tell her about Noeul's sudden engagement, yet she had to learn of it through her children. She didn't think that things would turn out different for her and her kids now. 


At the mall, Noeul went into Louis Vuitton to get Boss some good shirts since he loved their T-shirts. Boss was slightly uncomfortable since he never expected to be buying clothes from such an expensive clothing brand. Noeul told him that he would buy whatever he liked as he glanced at items on the other side of the store. As Boss was glancing at the shirts, they were to his liking until he glanced at the price tag. He freaked out since it expensive, he thought to himself that he would never be able to afford such thing if it would never for Noeul. He glanced back at Noeul who already had one arm full of clothes and another with bags that he wanted. Noeul gave the lady his items that he wanted for purchase and walked over to accompanied Boss. He asked Boss if their was something wrong since he noticed something was wrong. Boss grabbed Noeul's saying that all the stuff in the store was too expensive. Which Noeul explained to Boss that this is a store that he regularly shops at and that he could afford most of the items in said store. He proceeded to laugh at Boss, who forgot that his boyfriend was rich. 

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