Chapter 4

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Early in the morning, No Eul's personal assistant briefed him on his daily schedule for the day. Unfortunately, he had to work at his father's company as a member of the board and oversee since he would one day inherit the company. Not only that, but he had to go to some local hospital in the outskirts of Chang Mai to hopefully get that hospital to sign with the Tangwai group. No Eul couldn't grasp the idea of converting most of Thailand's hospitals into Tangwai owned. However, he wanted to make this hospital different since this was the only one that stood out from the others. He was tried of people treating him different because of who he was. Yet, his own "family" treating him another way because his mother was no longer in the picture. 

It was good that he was able to do something that he found rather interesting. However, he knew that it wouldn't last long because he had other errands to run. As he finished his morning tea, Fah and Dara sat at the table ordering the maid to brew them a cup of coffee. They both gave his such a dirty stare as he ordered his personal assistant to bring the car around. The gaze that they all shared didn't need to be spoken in words as he knew what it meant. However, it seemed that they didn't understand that the very house that they were preceding in were no longer theirs. As he left, he let out a big scoff as they didn't know what was coming for them. 

"Mr. Tangwai, excuse me for commenting on a more personal matter, but I don't know why you won't tell them." he said 

*Glanced out the window* "Because, its not the time to do so." No Eul said 

"But...they will still mistreat you." he said 

*Sigh* "They will treat me like this no matter if I told them or not. At the end of the day, it doesn't matter." No Eul responded 

"Yes, sir." he said 

After the long car ride, they finally arrived at the company. As No Eul walked in, the welcoming staff were already lined up in a single filed line ready to greet him as he entered. The receptionist greeting him as they both sat down and fawned over how handsome he was. This was the first time that No Eul came to the main headquarters since staying abroad, so now everyone got to see who he was in person. As he made it to the second floor, one of the staff had directed him to a big area with a long white desk that said his name on the front, which looked to be his personal office. All of the staff members on the floor, were glaring at him while he sat down in his light brown chair. 

Their was a sense of being uncomfortable as the office was see through and the staff were busy staring at him. Of course, he quickly whispered to his assistant to buy blinds that would go perfectly with his office for privacy. In return his assistant obliged with the suggestion of adding curtains for his boss. An hour later, it was time for him to travel to Chang Mai. He gathered his jacket from behind the chair and hurried to the car. On the way to Chang Mai, he noticed that he was so beautiful as he missed Thailand since leaving for Korea. Furthermore, the view was so beautiful that one day he would even go out and go sight seeing. As he pulled up to the destination, their were so many locals glancing at him with a sense of hatred on their face. Of course, he was aware of the amount of hate his family had curated in the year due to increase in health care and lose of jobs from the poor. Furthermore, the death that his family cost because of how expensive the health care is and the debts that accumulated. 

As he entered, the receptionist gave a very stunned look on her face as he walked up to her asking for the owner. Beside her was a cute looking boy who had short soft wavy black hair and was rather built like he did weight training. He disregarded his inner thoughts, and focused on the reason he was there. As he entered the owners office, he noticed that it was rather cramped, which led him to beg the question of how he could work in such a mess. 

"What brings you here?" Mr. Sirichai asked unpleasantly 

"I wanted to raise a business proposal." he said 

"Do know that many don't like you and your family for what they have caused?" he said bluntly 

"Yes! I'm aware." he replied 

"But, you still bring yourself in my presence asking for a business proposal?" he questioned 

"Yes, I don't want to run this hospital like the others that my family has owned. I want to invest in the hospital and keep you as the owner." he stated

"Hmm...why?" Mr. Sirichai questioned

"Because, I don't agree with the way that my family is running the hospitals in Thailand." he said coldly 

"Okay, I'll agree. But, if their is something that I don't like then the deal is done." he said 

"Sure!" he agreed 

No Eul notified Mr. Sirichai that he would have the agreement written up as soon as possible. They will discuss the matter in full detail at a more appropriate time, since he is busy with other personal matters and to have a personal lawyer on standby. As No Eul left, he glanced at the cute boy one last time before heading to the car back to Bangkok. As he returned to the office, No eul knew that he had to quickly find a person to act as his lover. As he pondered on the idea, his head began to spin around and around just thinking about it endlessly. No Eul's assistant came in with a glass of water ushering No Eul to not stress himself about the matter as he knew what he was worrying about. He reminded him that he had a lot of time left, since his father had not made the matter public yet. However, he knew that his step mother was going to make a big deal about the matter. He just knew that he had to find a partner before his brother, Krist did. It wouldn't be hard for him unlike himself since Krist can attract anyone but No Eul didn't want to just be with anyone. 


As Mrs. Tangwai was sipping her tea at the jewelry auction, she noticed that the other women wanted to know about how things were doing at home considering that No Eul was set to inherit the families company. She happily smiled as she told them that everything was good and that No Eul may not inherit the company after all. Which to their surprise, they didn't think that it would be possible for No Eul to not run the company since he was heavily favored by Mr. Tangwai. In addition, many knew that No Eul was well qualified for the position then her son, Krist, who didn't have much education. When the women disbursed, they couldn't stand Mrs. Tangwai as she always lied about her situation and thought herself better. They knew very well that things were not going as planned since she was the mistress of No Eul's mother. However, nobody dared to bring up such matter since it was rather inappropriate  and unnecessary . 

Even though, they knew that No Eul being the new CEO was not going to be in their favor nor their husband but they hoped that he would inherit the company. In addition, they didn't like Mrs. Tangwai's children as they thought little of No Eul considering that he is apart of the Tangwai family. Many of the other women had children who extended outside of the family as their husbands did have mistress's. But, they treated those children as family just as much as their biological children. On the other hand, this is something that many of the other women didn't want to get involved in.

As Mrs. Tangwai entered the house, Krist came before her telling her that No Eul has now entered the company. Mrs. Tangwai responded with such shock on her face as she didn't know about such arrangement. She was upset with her husband as he didn't consult with her about such arrangement. As Krist doesn't have his own office within the company as he is the oldest and should have one as well. However, Mr. Tangwai was completely against it seeing that he was about to retire, Krist wasn't going to get the company, therefore he shouldn't have an office, and this should be something that No Eul decides. Therefore, he called for his assistant to call No Eul into their bedroom to discuss such matter. When No Eul arrived, he could tell what this matter was going to be about before anyone said anything. He glanced at Krist and rolled his eye's with taking a deep breathe asking what the matter was about. Mr. Tangwai asked him if it was okay for his brother, Krist, to have a office at the company. Krist and Mrs. Tangwai glanced at No Eul as he was thinking about the question that he had been asked. He responded with a simple no because this company was his and Krist didn't need to have an office. Of course, Krist and Mrs. Tangwai was very much upset with his response, which he left without another world wishing his father goodnight as he had other things to think about. 

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