Chapter 14

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In the morning, Noeul got ready for work as his boyfriend was still asleep. He had to go to work in the afternoon, which let everyone know that they were on different time schedules. Before Noeul left the room, he gave his boyfriend a kiss goodbye on his forehead. Which Boss mumbled to his hard working boyfriend a goodbye and for him to return quickly. However, Noeul scoffed at the idea since when he turned home his boyfriend would be off to work. 

All of the housemaids lined up outside of the house to see the young man off, however he noticed that his mother and siblings were nowhere to be found. He assumed that they probably  got the memo to behave. As he got into the car, his assistant asked him if he wanted to get Mr.Boss an assistant as well. Which Noeul agreed since he wouldn't be able to be everywhere that Boss is at all times. Furthermore, he had to protect him from his mother and siblings. Chen Ma even asked if he going to tell him about the person who was eavesdropping on them in his office. He told Chen Ma that he didn't have the time to tell him as he had to go to work, but he would definitely have the conversation.    

After Noeul left the house, he decided to clean up himself before breakfast. He went downstairs to prepare so food for himself since both his boyfriend and father in law allowed him to use the house as if it was his. At times, he felt uneasy since this was Noeul's house and it was a completely different lifestyle than what he is use too. Even though, he has been living with Noeul and his family for more than a week. He still can't get use to the luxurious lifestyle and missed his home. After he fixed his breakfast, he decided to eat in Noeul's office. The dining room was very much spacious but empty and lonely. He made sure to close the door behind him and watched series on Noeul's desktop computer. 

Suddenly, the door of Noeul's office had opened and Boss became alert as he thought it was Mrs.Tangwai or his siblings. Yet, it was Krist's finance Ms.Darika who entered the room swiftly like she was floating on water. Boss had to admit that she was really beautiful as she wore a white long dress as she entered and sat on the couch. He was confused as to why should would visit such a place since Noeul wasn't here but at work. When she sat down, she did with such elegances, dignity and crossed her legs. He could deeply understand why Krist would marry such women. However, he thought deeply as to why would Noeul pick him when he could have someone much beautiful, smart and elegant. 

"Is Noeul here?" she asked softly 

"Umm...No, he is at work." He replied 

"Oh, I see." she said 

"Was you expecting something from him?" he asked 

"Yeah, but its okay." she said on her way out

"Are you sure?" he asked 

"Yeah!" she said assuring 

"You can talk to me and I'll tell him." he said 

"Well, this really isn't about him, but you." she said shy

"Me?" he questioned 

"Yeah, I was wondering about you and Noeul's relationship. You guys seem rather close since everyone is suspicious of how authentic your relationship is." she said 

"What about it?" he questioned 

"Nothing, I just thought about Noeul and how he might be." she said 

"Well, he is rather a nice and smart person." he replied 

"I figured since he is very affectionate with you." she said 

"I think that you should definitely talk to him and get to know him since you're his sister in law." he said 

"Yeah, I suppose so." she said 

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