Chapter 19

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Early in the morning, Fah went over to her brother's with her father's document. She was relived that they didn't caught by her brother's husband, she thought to herself that he couldn't have suspected anything. That same night, Krist decided to give the document to her for her to keep since it would be in good hands. He didn't want his wife involving herself in his business as she already was on Noeul's side and his mother. He thought to himself that he wouldn't be as weak as them. Darika was already thinking about leaving him as her family already approved of the idea. He knew that they didn't like him from the moment that they met him as he wasn't the head of the Tangwai family. So, it wasn't surprising that they approved of their divorce, even though it was frowned upon. 

No matter what happened, he would NEVER forgive his mother and father for the pain that they caused them. He just wanted to everything belonged to him as the eldest son of the Tangwai family. Despite what everyone said, he still believed that him along with his siblings were the true children of his father. It resented his mother for allowing Noeul to get what belonged to them willingly. As Fah over to his house with the document, the only thing left for them to do is take it to the bank. However, Krist was a bit hesitant even though he wanted to go through with it. But, something was telling him to not go through with it since he knew how Noeul was. He began to wonder if Boss really didn't suspect anything, since they broke into their house.

He felt in his cogence that their was no way that Boss didn't suspect anything. That's when he remembered that they had left the door to their father's office open and the drawer that the document was in. He informed his sister about this and told her that this may not be the best idea to go through with and turn themselves in since they might already know about it. However, Fah told him no since they already was so close to getting the money from their father's account. Krist was unable to persuade his sister of creating an even bigger offence. She began to wonder what got into her brother all of a sudden as he really wanted to get what belonged to them. He told her that it would be different if they didn't the break in obvious, so they would never suspect anything. 

Fah had angerly grabbed the paper off the table and left with the document. Krist rubbed his hand through his hair nervously because he didn't know what all his sister was going to do with their father's paperwork. The only thing he could was call his wife to come pick him, so she could take him to his brother's house. Which she gladly picked me up to take him to his brother's house, even though she didn't know what the matter was. However, something told her not to get involved since it didn't have nothing to do with her. This was something that was happening long before she married her husband - soon ex-husband. 

As they arrived at his brother's house, he knocked on his door really hard becoming a banging noise. Suddenly, Boss answered the door concerned with who was banging on their door so hard and aggressive. He was taken aback when he realized that it was none other than Krist and his wife Darika. He glanced back at Krist with an angry look on his face after he knew that he was the one who broke into their house. Darika glanced at Boss and persuaded him to let him talk to Noeul about something important. However, Boss didn't have a choice since this is what Noeul wanted. On the other hand, he didn't thing that Krist would have the balls to bring himself to their doorstep so soon. 

Furthermore, it's not like their has been anything mention on the news about anything that they have done illegally. He decided to corporate with them since Darika was nice and sweat. As they entered the house, Boss told them to be careful since they had all the furniture covered with plastic. Krist and Darika suspected that they were getting to move to another place since they had everything packed up. Krist felt bad since the house was the very house that they grew up in and now it was being sold because of him. On the other hand, he understood his brother's decision since if it was him then he would do the same thing.  

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