1. A Feeling

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The light stand and reflector are placed in every corner of the room. High equipped cameras are rolling, focusing on seven dashing men and an emcee on the center of the spotlight. Microphone are fixed and-

"3..2..1, ROLL!"

"Alright we are back with everyone's favourite segment of the show. It is time for 'Fact or Fraud'. Back again with Enhypen!" the emcee speaks and clapping enthusiastically with a few cue cards in his hand.

"Now, Sunoo. I was informed that you are the person in charge for aegyo. Is that right?" the emcee continued.

Sunoo giggled. A beautiful squinted eyes formed naturally on his face.

"I wouldn't say that, as every member is very charming in their own way. But I think I have a talent in doing it naturally. And because of that, I think I can gladly do any aegyo if I am asked to do so." Sunoo answered calmly, displaying his charming foxy eyes with a smile that never leaves his face.

It's like his face muscle are used to pull his dumpling-like cheeks upward to create a smiley feature on his face whenever he speaks.

"Yes, he is in charge for the aegyo." Jay added on, trying to be funny.

Everyone is laughing at his quick-witted respond. They are nodding and agreeing on his remarks. Sunoo shied away, smiling so brightly that his cheeks turned pink.

"I think it's amazing how he never refuse to do aegyo whenever we push the 'acting cute' part to him, because he knew that we are quite reluctant to do so." Jungwon added.

"Aww. That is very considerate of him. It must be nice to have a member like this, right?" said the emcee.

"Yeah, we are glad he is the bright energy of this group." Jake responded.

Again the reaction was positive and welcoming. And so the interview continued on like how any other of their previous interview goes.

This is how it has always been. It started with promoting their new songs to playing little games and sharing recent topics about the idols. At the same time, displaying each and every one of their charm and personalities.

This is the common scene of promoting through television show, in the music industry.

It is something that the members have enough experience with that they are able to expand and make the show more interesting and engaging.


A black vehicle pulled out in front of the broadcasting building. Camera flash and shutter are seen along with loud cheering and screaming for their names.

The shoot was over and the boys are going back to their dorm. As they are walking out from the entrance to their vehicle, they waved and bowed non-stop to the paparazzi, journalists, especially to their fans who have been waiting for them outside in the cold.

Some of the member took a few letters, and gifts from the fans.

"KIM SUNOO! TAKE CARE OF YOUR HEALTH! DON'T CATCH A COLD!" shouted a fanboy, only a few feet away from him.

Sunoo noticed and waved excitedly towards him. It was a very loud and clear message that he cannot help but respond immediately.

"Thank you, and you too!" Sunoo replied.

They hurriedly enter the car one by one and finally drove off, still waving to the line of fans. Some of them even chasing their car to a point.

"That was fun. The emcee was super hilarious, right?" Sunghoon speak as soon as their car drove off.

"Yeah, I want to be on that show again." Ni-ki replied.

"You were obviously his favorite, Sunno." said Jake.

"What are you talking about? How so?" Sunoo asked.

"Everyone can see how he keep on mentioning and looking at you." Jake added, showing off his silly smirk.

"Indeed. Sunoo is always popular. He always have been since i-Land." Heesung commented.

Sunoo blushed uncontrollably. He likes compliment, but he still feel shy if he feel like it's too much for him.

"Stop it. Let's not talk about this anymore." Sunoo shyly tries to evade the topic, his smiley cheeks never relaxing away from his face.

All of the members love to tease him. His honest and cute reaction makes it hard not to adore him. Even though he's not the youngest, his actions and gestures are so much like a little brother to them.

The teasing went on for quite a while that Sunoo is exhausted just to fend for himself.

"Do you guys want ice-cream? I'm craving for ice-cream." Jay suggest.

"Yeah, there's a newly open ice-cream place near our dorm. I've always wanted to try it out." Jungwon added.

"In this cold weather?" Jake asked.

"Ice-cream taste incredibly good in cold weather you know? You don't need to eat if you don't want to." Jay tried to riled him up.

"Ay, when did I say I don't want to huh, jackass." Jake replied.

And so they stopped by the ice-cream place. It has a drive thru so it was easier for them to order and not risk exposing themself to the public. The menu board was big enough for them to see from inside their car.

"Except for Sunoo, what flavour do you guys want?" Jay asked.

If there is one thing that the member know best in this world, it has to be the fact that Kim Sunoo loves mint chocolate more than anything.

They all know very well that Sunoo never order anything else other than mint chocolate. It's his love for minchoco against the world.

Sunoo smiled excitedly.

"As expected, hyung. I want a medium size, thank you." Sunoo answered elatedly.

Sunoo is like an open book. You can instantly tell what his likes and dislikes are just by his reaction. The number one quality about him that everyone admire.

They enjoyed their ice-cream on their way home to the dorm. Sunoo was feeling melancholy by the atmosphere in the car that is so cheerful and lively.

With loving eyes he looked at his members who are busy entertaining and goofing with each other. How he wished they could stay together like this, forever.

In a glimpse, where no one is watching, his smile slowly fades. His eyes sunken. As if something was bothering him. A feeling striked him admist the laughter of his members. Worry.

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