11. Hyung

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Ever since Sunoo got injured, his health has been declining rapidly. Although in his personal time, he regularly went to the hospital to get his usual medication, the sickness doesn't seem to show any hint of subsiding at all.

Furthermore, his wound seems to be healing very slow. His complexions are not looking very good and his appetite is getting smaller.

He is conflicted if he should tell his sister about this. For him, his sister is the only person in this world that he could trust to keep this matter a secret.

Sunoo is lucky that his illness has only worsened now, right after their successful comeback, along with their promotional activities. It'll be harder for him if the symptoms worsen during their activity period.

Sunoo is now sitting across his personal doctor. A tall man in his early 30's, with the name Lee Soo Hyuk on his white coat. He has been Sunoo's doctor since his previous surgery long before debut.

Doctor Lee is making a concerned face as he skimmed through a file containing Sunoo's health report and results after a regular check up. He pushed up his glasses before raising his head up to look at Sunoo.

"Have you informed your family and friends about this?" the doctor asked with a serious expression on his face.

"I know. I will tell them eventually, hyung. Don't worry." Sunoo reassured him. He flash a bright smile to his doctor to ease him up.

Sunoo's relationship with his doctor is quite a comfortable one. Their relationship is close enough for him to call Doctor Lee as his hyung. They have known each other for four years now.

Given that Sunoo has an outgoing and a cheerful personality, Doctor Lee became quite fond of him. For him, Sunoo's presence is like a vitamin. Whenever Sunoo came for checkups or visiting, it's as if all his fatigueness has been washed away, instantly.

Doctor Lee is very much aware of Sunoo's situation as an idol. However, he is concerned about the toll that has been taking on Sunoo's body from all the activities.

"Sunoo, this is a serious matter. How long do you intend to keep this matter away from everyone?" Doctor Lee asked again.

Sunoo just kept silent. He put his head down to avoid eye contact. He just fiddled with his fingers, not knowing how to respond.

"Hyung... Can you send me home, today?" Sunoo plead with a mellow voice. He bat his eyes acting like a child, hoping that Doctor Lee would let it slide for today.

Doctor Lee let out a soft sigh. He know how stuborn Sunoo can be. He don't want to pressure him. But at this rate, Sunoo's health will be a problem for him in the future.

"Sunoo, don't avoid the topic. If it's hard for you, I can accompany you to tell everyone. Or do you want me to come to your company and make an official visit as your doctor?" Doctor Lee insisted.

Sunoo panicked. "NO. Not yet, hyung. Please be understanding." Sunoo stops him. Sunoo rub his hands together like he's begging.

Doctor Lee sighs again. "Alright. I won't force you. But you have to keep this in mind. And I will keep on reminding you about it as well." Doctor Lee strictly advices him.

Sunoo finally put on a smile. Doctor Lee is such a caring person, he thought. He is very lucky to have Doctor Lee as his personal doctor.

"Hehe, I like you very much, hyung." Sunoo smiled brightly.

This put a smile on Doctor Lee's face as well. "A sudden confession?" he teases him.

"What confession??" Sunoo brush off his hyung's silly comment.

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