18. Fallen Pt.2

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Yeonjun was quick on his feet to catch Sunoo from plopping to the floor. He kneeled down to lay Sunoo's head slowly on his lap. He checked his breathing and his heart-rate.

"Sunno-ya! Open your eyes!" Yeonjun shriek in panic. He gently tap his cheeks a few time to get a reaction from him. Nothing.

He then took Sunoo's head in his arm to help stop the bleeding. Without hesitation, he wipe off Sunoo's excessive nosebleed with his sleeve. He's racking his brain on what he should do at the moment. 

He looked around to find anyone else that could help carry him to the infirmary. He then reached for his phone to call his other members who went to the restroom ahead of him. Just as he about to press the call button, two person came out of the restroom and saw Yeonjun holding a body in his arm.

"Yeonjun hyung? What are you doing?" asked Taehyun. He came out from the restroom along with Soobin.

When the two realized that Yeonjun is holding an unconscious person in his arm, they quickly become alerted of the situation.

"Yah! What's going on?" Soobin exclaimed.

"Isn't that Sunoo?" Taehyun asked, confused.

They just saw him left the restroom earlier. But right now he's laying down completely passed out in Yeonjun's arm. The two of them rushed to their side and crouched down to check on Sunoo. They were shocked to see the amount of blood smeared on his face and on Yeonjun's sleeve.

"W-Why is he bleeding, hyung?" Soobin asked stammering.

"No time to explain. Help me bring him to the infirmary quick!" Yeonjun instructed. He instantly grabbed Sunoo by the arm to carry him on his back with the help of his two members.

It was an easy feat because Sunoo was surprisingly as light as feather. He was taken aback of how he can sweep Sunoo off the ground so effortlessly.

"Seriously, what happened, hyung?" Taehyun asked worriedly.

While the three of them rushed together carrying an unconscious Sunoo, both Taehyun and Soobin keep on asking Yeonjun about the situation.

"I don't know. He bumped into me earlier. And he's not looking too well. So I offered to bring him to the infirmary." Yeonjun huffed while explaining.

"All of the sudden, his nose was bleeding and he collapsed after." he added.

There were a few staff in the building who noticed the three of them, but they just brushed it off as the members are quite famous in the building for doing random things that are no longer considered weird in their eyes. For them, it's just another day of TxT being well... TxT.

And who knows how useful that reputation is for them right now. No one was suspicious of their behavior and even leave them be to do whatever it is that they are doing.

The infirmary was situated at a lower level in the building. So the boys dashed to the elevator and thank goodness that no one was in there or else they wouldn't know how to explain to other people of their situation.

Moreover, Sunoo is an idol of a known group in the company. This could be scandalous and could ignite unwanted attention from the people in the building. If they are unlucky, this situation can be quite the money-making information for paparazzi. 

And while waiting for the elevator to arrive on the said floor, Taehyun started to speak.

"He must have come with his other members right? Considering that he was on the practice floor. His members must have been practicing on that floor as well." Taehyun assumed.

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