9. The Mob

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Sunoo is packing his stuff into a luggage. While almost done, he pull out on his medicine bag to make sure that he doesn't left any of his medication behind.

"One, two, ...... five, six. Okay, everything's here." he mumbled.

Everyone is packing their bags in their room respectively, getting ready to go back to Korea. Their MAMA Awards performance in Japan is finally done.

Their one week stay in Japan was hectic. Although they did a lot of practice most of the time, they also had their fun as well. They even paid a visit and went to greet Ni-ki's family.

While their tight schedules were energy consuming, it was a rewarding duration because they made use of their time wisely and took it to their advantage.

And right now, they can finally breathe. Their activity is finally over. The only thing left for them now is leisure time, waiting to go home.

"Sunoo hyung, don't forget your toiletries in the bathroom." Jungwon reminds him.

Jungwon and Sunoo were roommates through out their time in Japan.

"Okay!" Sunoo replied.

Done packing, they load their belongings into the vehicle and had their breakfast in the hotel's restaurant while waiting for the time. Just before noon, they head out to the airport.

While in the plane, they took the opportunity to visit their social platform to interact with their fans. It is also a kind of reminder for their fans, indicating that they are coming home.

Sunoo on the other hand is sitting quietly near the window, taking out a medicine compartment box from his bag. He put a few pills inside his mouth and gulped down some water along with it.

Jake noticed this. "Are you sick, Sunoo?"

Sunoo quickly put back his medicine box into his bag and shook his head.

"No. It's a relaxant." he lied. It was not a relaxant at all. It's the medicine that he has been taking regularly since way long before.

"Relaxant? For what?" Jake asked. Why would he need a relaxant at the moment? Is he nervous to board the plane? That's not possible.

"Just for my nerve. It's to help with my motion sickness." Sunoo lied. It feels wrong, but it was necessary.

"You have motion sickness?"

"Only sometimes. When I'm feeling a little bit tired. Nothing serious." Sunoo smiled to cover up for his lie.

"Ohh. I never knew that." Jake nodded and quickly understood.

Sunoo silently sigh in relieve. That was nerve-wrecking. Lying is the hardest thing for him to do.

To avoid any attention or interaction more than this, Sunoo put on his headphones and momentarily close his eyes to rest.

The plane is now taking off. There's not much that they can do in a two and a half hours flight, except for taking a short nap or talking with each other.


Upon their arrival in Korea, the journalist and their fans are already flocking the airport to see them.

After going through the standard airport procedure, they were escorted by their bodyguards to the exit.

Like usual, Sunoo would always stick close to Jay whenever they're in the airport. The mob incident from earlier time of their debut still traumatizes him.

Especially after the whole uproar of that time about his health condition, Sunoo always has been sensitive to a chaotic place or situation.

Sunoo hold on tight to Jay's coat while they are walking to the exit. Everyone is walking rather on a fast pace to escape the crowd.

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