3. A Cold

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Two days off. That is the only reason everyone is in such a good mood. No activities, no promotion, no camera. Just them as themself, not an idol.

Their manager stopped by to tell them that their schedule has been cleared off for two days, as a reward for actively promoting their newest album.

However, they are not allowed to travel far away. Like going on a sudden trip or some sort.

"This is so great!" Jake shouted. Jumping elatedly hand-in-hand along with Jungwon.

"Let's build our unfinished lego, Jake hyung!" Jungwon suggested, adding up to the hype and excitement.

"I'm gonna laze around and do nothing!" Sunghoon rest his back on the sofa started to play with his phone.

"I'm gonna play games all day long." Heesung stood up in a victory pose.

"Me too!" Ni-ki added. Playing games with Heesung is his joy.

"I'm gonna sleep all day." Jay joined in the celebration.

Everyone are so enthusiastic about it. It's like their energy has elevated to the roof eventhough they already used so much during the promotion period.

Sunoo felt extremely relieved because he needed the rest. His body has been feeling heavy lately and he suspect that he has caught a cold.

"Me too. I'm gonna sleep all I want today." Sunoo tried to sound energetic as usual.

"Ooo, Sunoo. I guess you must have been so tired that you actually choose to sleep instead?" Heesung replied.

He didn't expect Sunoo who is always brimming with energy actually choose to sleep on his day off. He knows that Sunoo would usually watch movies or play games in his freetime.

"Hyung, two days off between our tight schedule? When else will I have time to sleep my head off like this?"

"Alright, I'll head in first. Goodnight!" Sunoo ran off to his bed with overjoyed steps. Not giving the chance for anyone to intercept him.

Although they find it odd, the members are still very much smitten by his cute little excitement.

Feeling alleviated, Sunoo went to bed and snooze off rather quickly.


Jay woke up from his nap. It's precisely 4.00 pm. Feeling hungry, he got up from his bed and went out of his room.

Sunghoon, Jake and Jungwon are still in the living room.

Jungwon and Jake are so devoted in assembling their Lego city, while Sunghoon is lost in his own world, doing push up and reps for God knows how long.

Shouts and laughter can be heard from the pc room. Heesung and Ni-ki are still actively playing their games.

Sunoo is nowhere to be found. Assuming he's still asleep.

"I'm making ramen today, cool?" Jay suggested. Like usual, he's always in charge of feeding the kids.

"Yoi!" Jungwon exclaim excitedly.

"Is Sunoo still asleep?" Jay asked the trio in the living room.

"Guess so. He hasn't come out at all." Jungwon replied. Now that Jay mentioned it, he started to worry. Sunoo is napping longer than Jay? Impossible.

"I'll check up on him." Jungwon offered. He left his Legos and went straight to Sunoo's room.

Sunoo is still laying on his bed, all wraped up in his blanket.

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