Chapter 2

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"I am so sorry Mr. Agreste!" I said sitting down at our table.
"It's alright." He said putting his napkin on his lap.
"Chloe took out so much of my time because we weren't agreeing," I said putting my bag down and looking through the menu quickly.
After I ordered a sandwich and a milkshake, we started talking business.

"What have you gotten so far?" He asked sipping his tea.
"Alright. So Chloe and I got this so far. We're arguing about the sleeves and the colours."
"Alright." I always show Mr. Agreste my designs. He gives me good advice and helps me make my decisions. 
"Alright. I agree with your sleeves but Chloe's colour." 
"sigh Alright." I started writing stuff in my notes and talked with him for a bit longer. 

"Alright thank you, Mr. Agreste. You helped a lot."
"Anytime, Ms. Dupain-Cheng." He shook my hand and walked me out. 
I went to my car and he went to his limo. 
I sighed and drove back to my building.
"Hey, Bella."
"Hello Ms. Marinette. Adrien Agreste is here."
"Alright. Send him to my office and offer him some snacks and let him know I'll be there in a few minutes."
"Alright. Bye."

A few minutes later, I got to my building and went to my floor.
"Hey, Bella."
"Hey. He's in your office."
"Thank you." I pushed open my office door seeing Adrien sitting in a chair leaning back and eating chips.
"Eating chips I see, Adrien~?" I teased making him jump up.
He wasn't supposed to eat junk food with strict orders from his father. 
But I let him eat snacks secretly. 
"Oh, Marinette. You scared me." He chuckled and kept eating.
"Sorry. I just got back from your dad's."
"No problem."
"Alright let's talk."

"The next fashion show is going to be with the designs we chose for the cover competition. You will be modelling one of my outfits. This is the design." I showed him a paper with the outfit he'll be modelling.
"Alright good." He nodded and smiled at me.
I've known Adrien since Highschool. I wasn't close to Katsuki's friends. 
"Alright. Thank you for coming here." I said cleaning up my desk.
"No problem. So....."
" like to hang out later?"
"Sorry, Adrien. I'm hanging with Alya later on. Next time?"
"Alright sure." He smiled and left my office.

A few hours later, it was time to go meet up with Alya.
"Ms. Marinette. Good job today!"
"Thank you, Bella. You did amazing as always." I smiled and walked towards the elevator.
"So tomorrow you have a meeting with the fabric team and the seamstresses."
"Alright thank you. I'll see you later."
"Bye! Have fun!"
"Bye." I got in the elevator and went down.
"Bye Kacy."
"Bye, Ms. Marinette." She smiled at me and answered the phone when it rang.

I got in my car and drove to where the café was.
It was a nice cute café. Alya and I go there all the time.
I stopped my car and pulled out the key.
I got out of the car feeling arms wrap around me from behind.
"Marinette! It's been forever, girl!"
"Alya!" I returned her hug.
We haven't seen each other for a while. With her blogging and my meetings, it's really hard. 
"C'mon!" She pulled me with her to the café.

We found a good table and started talking instantly.
We talked about our jobs, our lives, our families, anything. 
We were sipping on coffee and eating little pastries. 
We kept talking and it got really late and dark outside.
"Uhh excuse me ladies?" A young teenage boy employee came up to us.
"We're closing. Sorry."
"Oh sorry. We didn't notice the time." I said standing up and throwing my trash away. 
"Thank you. Have a good night." We waved at them and walked out.
"Anyways. Thanks for hanging with me girl. I missed you."
"I missed you too. Need a ride?"
"No it's alright. I'm meeting Nino at the studio over there." She waved and walked away.
Nino became the best d.j around here and has his own music studio. 

I sighed and walked to the parking lot where my car was.
"Stop! Please!" I froze and looked around for the noise.
"Shut up!" I heard a loud bang and someone crying. 
I immediately started looking for the source of the noise and found myself walking into an alleyway. 
I peeked through the corner and saw 3 men standing over a man on the floor.
"Please! I have kids!"
"Should've though of that before you decided to lie to our boss." One of the men said then shot the man on the floor.
I covered my mouth to hold in the gasp and started walking backwards.
I bumped into something hard making me gasp and jump.
"Well look what we have here?" A tall big man was standing behind me.
"Please! I won't tell anyone! I-" I felt a prick on my neck and everything went black. 

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