Chapter 28

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6 Months later:
"And I don't fucking care! I shouldn't even fucking be here right now! Your fucking Queen could give birth any day now and how would I know if I'm here all the fucking time!"
"S-sorry sir!"
"I don't fucking want a sorry! Fix the fucking problem!"
"Yes, Don."
"God. It took you 5 months to deal with the Americans, we can't take that long for the Canadians now! What is with these countries attacking me? God Damn it!" I groaned and dropped onto my chair.
"Shittyhair I fucking swe-"
"Don't you dare fucking swear at me you fucking son of a bitch! I'm here giving birth to your fucking child and you're over there fucking swearing at me!?"
"Fuck! Baby! You're at the hospital!? When did your water break!?" I asked while running out of the warehouse and to my bike.
"10 minutes ago-fuck! I asked Alya to pick me up! Now get your ass over here!"
"On it! Give me 5 minutes baby. Love you." I kissed my phone and threw it in the passenger seat.

As soon as I got to the hospital, I ran up to the front desk.
"Marinette Bakugou! She broke her water!"
"Her husband. Katsuki Bakugou."
"3rd floor. 24a."
I got into the elevator and pressed the 3rd floor and breathed in and out.

Marinette and I got married 5 months into pregnancy. 
She didn't want anything fancy just our closest friends. 

As soon as I got into her room the first thing I saw was a bottle of water getting thrown at me.
"What the fuck!?" I yelled while dodging it.
"You fucking left me you fucking piece of shit!" She screeched.
I sighed and walked up to her.
"No baby." I cooed while rubbing away her tears.
"I would never leave your annoying ass," I mumbled while chuckling making her hit me again.
"Ok ok!" I gave her my hand and grabbed the towel and started wiping her forehead. 
"Alright. She is completely ready. This will be fast labour. Ready. Push." And here it begins.

Marinette's POV:
They say the moment the child is born.......the mother is also born....because she never existed before. They also say, the mother carries the baby every second of their life....and they'll love that baby every second of theirs. They also say the first breath of a baby....takes the mom's breath away.......which happened to me.

When my baby boy was placed on my chest. When my baby boy started crying and was placed on my sweaty, fast-raising chest. That was when I fell in love all over again. 
I stared at his crying face while trying to calm him down.
He calmed down the moment I started patting his back gently.
My eyes were filled with tears and fell down my red cheeks.

I felt a towel on my face and saw Katsuki with tears in his eyes looking down at us.
"He's here." I sobbed.
"He's here, baby. Our baby boy." Katsuki mumbled in my ear while leaning his head against mine.
We both looked down at our baby boy seeing the little scowl on his face. 
"He looks just like you." I whimpered.
"He has your hair baby."
"But his hair is spiky..."
"I love him," I confessed.
"I love him so much." I rested my head back on the pillow.
"Get some rest baby. I'll keep the baby."
"Hm?" He hummed while holding our baby.
"I want to name him......"
"Aoki Bakugou," I mumbled sleepily then my eyes shut falling into a peaceful well deserved rest. 

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