Chapter 7

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"Fuck!" I slammed my fists against the table.
"Zoom in. Fucking zoom in!"
My security guy zoomed in on the group that broke into my warehouse.
One of them..... looks so fucking similar.
Where did I see those eyes?
Those green eyes. 
"Fuck. Find out which mafia group they are. Everything." I said and stormed out of the office.

I went to my office and leaned back in my chair.
I sighed and spread out my legs. 
"I'm so fucking tired." I groaned and threw my head back.
I opened my laptop and started going through some stuff.
"Sir. Ms. Marinette has left her building."
"Why? Who's she with? Where's she going?"
"We don't know where she is going yet but she is leaving with this man."
"He's 6 feet. Black long hair. Blue-looking eyes. He's also wearing a business outfit. He also....umm-"
"Spit it out!"
"He has his hand on her waist and both of them are laughing sir...."
"Fuck! Keep an eye on her and let me know where they go."
"Yes sir."
I slammed my phone down on my desk and stood up making my chair fall.
"Fuck." I muttered looking down at my desk.
I fisted my fist tightly.
She's out. 
With another man.
Which is holding her.
She's laughing.
She's mine. She's still mine. No matter what.
I growled and stormed out of my office. 
"Hey Baku-"
"Shut up!" I ran down the steps and jumped down the last few.
I walked fast out the door and hopped onto my bike.

Marinette's POV:

"Kaden!" I laughed at his silly jokes.
Kaden is a business partner of mine. We don't see each other often but sometimes.
And today he suggested we go out for lunch.
He's nice and all but sometimes he can get a little touchy.
Like right now, with his arm around my waist. 
Usually, guys put their hands on our lower backs or sometimes their hands barely touch our lower backs but Kaden....he wraps his arms around my waist. 

We sat down to eat a late lunch.
"'re looking beautiful today."
"You already said that Kaden." I giggled.
"Welp. My bad. You're just so beautiful."
"Yea.." I chuckled nervously.
"So umm...I'm gonna go to the bathroom real quick." I muttered and walked away.

When I pushed open the door for the girl's bathroom, I was pulled back and pushed into the family bathroom.
"Hey!" I got shoved into a wall.
I looked up to see Kaden.
"Kaden! What are you doing? This isn't funny!"
"Well fuck. I've been waiting and waiting but you just never noticed."
"What?" I pushed myself against the wall when he started coming closer.
"Leave me alone! Kaden!" I yelled when he pinned me against the wall.
"Hel-" He slapped my cheek making my head turn the other way.
My cheek was stinging and my head hurt.
"Fuck. Shut the fuck up!" He said and pinned my wrists above my head.
I struggled but gave up when I felt weak.
He was biting and kissing my neck making me feel pain. 
He threw my coat onto the floor and started pulling my belt off.
I had tears flowing down my cheek and I felt scared.
I never went through this before.

I heard the door slam open and felt Kaden get pushed off of me.
I opened my eyes to see someone up the top of Kaden punching him.
I slid down the wall and onto the floor crying and sobbing.
"The fuck you think you're doing!? Hah!? Fucking touching my girl!"
"....Katsu?" I whispered.
He froze and looked back at me.
I saw his eyes freeze on my cheek.
He turned back around and continued punching him.
"Slapping my girl too! What!? Your mom didn't teach you any fucking respect?!"
"Katsuki," I said louder to make him stop.
he punched him a few more times and then stood up.
He pulled something out of his jeans.
"Close your eyes." He said and I immediately closed my eyes and ears.
I choked out a sob and shook. 
I felt arms around my body and I got lifted.
I opened my eyes to see Katsuki looking forward with a hard face.
He used to make this face when I would do something stupid or put myself in danger. 
I looked down and snuggled into his chest.

Katsuki's POV:
When my men told me that Marinette went to the bathroom and that guy followed her, I got mad.
I sped up with my bike and parked in the parking lot of the café they were going to eat at.
I immediately went inside and looked for the bathrooms.
I opened the girl's bathroom and found no one.
I also opened the guy's bathroom and found no one. 


I slammed open the family bathroom door seeing the guy pinning my girl against the wall. She had tears all over her face and she was sobbing. He was pulling off her belt. I ran in and pushed him off of her. 
I started punching him knocking him out instantly. 
"The fuck you think you're doing!? Hah!? Fucking touching my girl!"
"....Katsu?" I heard her whisper.
I looked back and froze when I saw the bruise forming on her cheek. 
I turned back around and continued punching him.
"Slapping my girl too! What!? Your mom didn't teach you any fucking respect?!"
"Katsuki," She said louder. 
I punched him a few more times and then stood up.
I pulled my gun out of my jeans.
"Close your eyes," I said not wanting her to see this. 
I heard her choke out a sob.  
I went to her and lifted her and carried her out.
I was glaring in front of me.
I was mad.
Why would she do this?
She should've been more careful.
She snuggled into my chest and closed her eyes.

"Lay down."
"Katsuki! I have work!"
"I don't give a flying fuck! You need to rest!"
"I'm fine!" She said getting off of the sofa in her penthouse.
"You were never good with violence! You'll overwork yourself and then throw up! Remember?!"

"Where the fuck is she?" I mumbled to myself while looking around the halls of our college, looking for my girlfriend.
"Fuck..." I told her to meet me by the water fountain close to the entrance. 
"sigh I didn't want to do this," I mumbled and took out my phone.
I put a tracking device in her phone as soon as we got into college. I realized my family's enemies maybe after the next Don which is me and they might hurt Marinette. So I put a tracking device. 
It said she was 2 halls away from me.
I walked 2 more halls and found her pinned against the wall by a guy taller than her.
I mean anyone can be taller than my 5 feet girlfriend. She just reached 5 feet when we got into college. 
I glared and walked up to them and punched the guy before he can touch her.
"Katsuki!" I bent down and kept kicking and punching the guy.
"You think you can touch my fucking girl! You're going to die before you can see another day!" I kept punching him, making my knuckles rip and get covered in his blood. 
"Katsuki!" I felt her arms wrap around my stomach trying to get me off.
I stopped and looked around seeing everyone looking at us.
I stood up and wiped his blood on my shirt.
I grabbed Marinette's hand and walked away. 
"You ok?"
"Yea..." She looked pale and she was trembling. 
"You don't look too good. Let me take you back to the dorm. You should sleep."
"No. I'm fine."
"You sure?"
"Yes." She nodded.
I sighed and pulled her with me outside to go for lunch.
We walked a bit when I realized she got slower.
"....Katsu?" She whispered and held her head.
"Oh god." She mumbled covering her mouth.
I grabbed her and pulled her to the nearest trash can.
She put her face above it while I held her hair in my fist. 
She threw up and coughed and gagged.
"Shhh, it's ok." I patted and rubbed her back gently.
Some people stopped and looked so I glared at them. 
"You're ok, baby girl." I rubbed her back and waited for her to finish.
"Mhm." She nodded.
I grabbed some tissues from my bag and helped her wipe her mouth.
I grabbed my water bottle and helped her take a sip.
She was shaking still so I wrapped my arms around her.
"It's ok. You're ok. You're not good with violence. I won't ever fight in front of you. Shh." I rocked her to help her stop crying.
She hated throwing up. Throwing up hurts her guts and she tells me it feels like someone punched her. ( Ok so basically. In my teenage years, I've only thrown up a couple of times. I don't usually get sick to the point of throwing up. I take care of myself during winter time so I don't get cold too. Anyways. For the first time, I threw up after Wonderland. We were going to a hotel, and I felt nauseous in the car. I held this container we keep for my baby brother because he gets car sick. I didn't throw up but as soon as we got out of the car in front of the hotel, I threw up in the container. My guts were hurting. It was painful. And I didn't want anyone to touch me. I threw up again when I thought I was finished. And I threw up in the hotel room too. So painful. Ugh.)
"You're ok." I ran my fingers through her hair. 

"Sleep. Now." I glared and she finally caved in.
I laid her on the sofa and wrapped her up in a blanket.
"Take a nap. I'll be here." I ran my fingers through her hair and pecked her forehead.
"Ok.....sigh." She yawned.
"I'm....glad I met you...again, Katsu..." She whispered and fell asleep.
"Me too, Blueberry. Me too." I nodded and continued rubbing her hair. 

Mafia Bakugou x MarinetteWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt