Chapter 10

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I got to my workplace on my bike.
I was mad. Pissed even.
I was supposed to drive Marinette to her building but my stupid men couldn't do their job right. 
I slammed open the door making everyone look down and freeze.
"Where's that fucker!?" I yelled out and everyone made their way.
I got to the end seeing one of my men looking down shaking.
"You the guy who let my stock get stolen?" I asked calmly.
"Y-Yes sir."
"You the guy who made me leave my girl?"
"And who was this group?"
" dragon."
"Ok....alright," I mumbled and looked to the side.
I threw a punch at the side of his face.
"Don't ever fucking mess up again!? Got it!?"
"Yes sir!"
"Good." I walked away going to my office.
I needed to get rid of them. Now. 

I went through the security cameras again.
They were the same guys. I saw one of my men hit the green-eyed guy in the face. So he should have a bruise.
Now I can see if my assumption is right. 
I smirked and stood up going outside to my bike.

 I smirked and stood up going outside to my bike

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I zoomed down the roads and passed through cars.
I parked right next to Marinette's car. 

I got off my bike, put my helmet in its compartment, and grabbed my black facemask.
I walked inside her building seeing people walk around.
I walked to the elevator and bumped into someone.
I looked down seeing a girl with dark reddish brown hair. She had glasses on too and she held a notepad, camera and a recorder.
"Sorry. My bad." She said while grabbing whatever she dropped.
I sighed and walked back to the elevator.
"Wait! Aren't you-woah..." She came up to me and looked up at me while I looked ahead waiting for the elevator.
Alya. Marinette's best friend and the best blogger out there. I was never scared of anyone. But Alya. She was always on my case. Telling Marinette to break up with me because I kept leaving for my Mafia training. I was scared she would somehow figure it out with her skills. 

"You're Bakugou. What are you doing here? Marinette never told me you guys hang out..."
"Shut up," I grumbled and walked into the elevator.
"......Whatever." She stared at me and walked away.
I sighed and put my hand against my thumping heart. 
Just don't bump into her again.
Marinette's friends didn't hang with us besides Alya. 

After waving at Bella, her assistant, I got off the elevator and walked to Marinette's office.
I opened her door seeing her bent over a table drawing something with the blonde idiot beside her. 
"Hey, Katsuki." She looked up and waved.
"Hey Blueberry," I muttered walking up to them while glaring at the blonde guy. 
He was standing way too close.
I walked to the other side of her and put my arm over her back and by her waist. 
"Whatchu doing?" I muttered leaning down close to her ear.
"Finishing some final touches of this design." She muttered.
I saw a strand of her hair fall from behind her ear.
She was about to push it away but I grabbed her hair and pulled it all behind her ear.
I grabbed the scrunchie I found on her table and wrapped her hair with it.
"Thank you." I pecked her temple while glaring at Adrien.
He had no bruises. But his eyes were the same as the guy on camera. 

"Alright, Adrien. Give this to Sally." She said giving him the drawing. 
"Alright." He nodded and smiled.
After glaring at me he walked out.
"Alright, what's up?" She said turning around to face me.
"Can you tell me something?" I bent down a bit to her level.
"Do you guys put foundation or whatever shit you put on your models face's?"
"...Sometimes. It depends actually."
"Alright." I nodded.
"I'm going to go do something. You stay here." I pecked her forehead and left her office.

I walked around the building, looking around for the blonde idiot.
I found him walking out of a room with a few papers in his hands.
He was looking down so I went up to him, grabbed him, and pulled him into an empty hallway. 
"Hey!" I covered his mouth with my hand and pinned him against the wall.

He glared at me and I smirked behind my mask.
"Let's see." I started furiously wiping his cheeks. 
"He-" He started fighting.
After wiping his cheeks I saw a bruise showing on one of his cheeks.
I grabbed his wrist and wiped his wrists too seeing the red dragon tattoo. 
"Fuck. Found you." I muttered glaring into his eyes.
"You're going to tell me everything," I ordered putting my arm across his neck and choking him.
"I'm not saying anything!" He choked out while glaring at me.
"Hey! What's going on over here!?" A security guard came so I let go of Adrien. 
I glared at him and the security guy pulled me back.
"Who let you in!?"
"Hey! What's going on over here?" 
"Ma'am. This man was hitting your model."
"What!? I fucking did not!"
"Katsuki he has a bruise on his face," Marinette said sadly while looking at me with her confused bluebell eyes.
"Listen to me! He's lying -"
"Let's go."
"No! Mari-"
"Katsuki." She said coming and patting my arm.
"Leave him." She said talking to the security guy.
"Alright." She grabbed my arm and walked with me to the elevator and we went down to the lobby.
"I don't know what's going on, Katsuki. But don't come back if you're going to fight with my models." She said walking me to the door.
"But listen to my side of the story damnit!"
"Katsuki, leave." She said glaring at me.
"Call me when you get home," I said pecking her forehead.

Marinette's POV:
"I am so sorry Adrien. I don't know what got into him." I said while looking down at Adrien who was getting his bruise cleaned up. 
"It's fine. I think he's just jealous."
"Because we both hang out a lot." He shrugged.
"So.....that doesn't mean anything." I shrugged.
"It does to him."
"Whatever," I mumbled and walked away.

I went to my office to see Alya there looking through her notepad.
"Hey, Alya."
"Marinette. I saw Katsuki when I was leaving this morning. And-"
"I know you never liked him, Alya."
"Listen. I found some snoop."

"......No." I stared terrified at the pictures she showed me. 

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