Chapter 3

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My head felt heavy when I opened my eyes.
I looked around slowly and realized I was tied up to a chair in the middle of a room. 
My neck and head hurt a lot. 
"Ahh finally. You're awake." A man came in front of me making my heart beat crazy.
"Don will be here soon."
"Why am I here?"
"Because." He shrugged.
"You were spying. Know too much." He shrugged again and walked away when the door opened.
"Hey man! The don's on his way! Let me see the spy." A tall spiky red haired dude came up to me.
He didn't look too bad but he looked familiar.
"Hey! I-" He stared at me for a while.
"The spy's a girl?"
"Yes, underboss."
"Huh?" He looked back down at me.
"I got to go. Keep her here." He ran out of the room.

Katsuki's POV:
"Yea yea I know! Now fucking get it done before I fucking kill you myself!" I slammed my phone down and stood up.
My men had one fucking job. To kill Jeremy. A guy who owed me money for a few months but kept lying. And then they get a witnesser. Now I got to go and kill him. 
I sighed and left my office and walked down the stairs.
"What Shittyhair? You were supposed to be questioning the spy."
"I-I know but Ummm I got to tell you something."
"Well? Spit it out!" I continued walking towards the cells.
"Well, the spy is a girl."
"Ok? The fuck do you think I'm going to do? Give her fucking flowers and shit?"
"Well....I-I mean.....well she's-"
"Shut up Shittyhair! Once you figure out what you're trying to say come find me." I opened the door to the cells and walked down the few steps.

"Don." My man nodded at me.
"sigh You got caught by a fucking girl?" I asked calmly.
"Uhh, y-yea sorry Don." He mumbled and looked down.
"Fuck....I'll deal with you later. Leave." He ran out the door.
I sighed and walked closer to the witness. 
"Alright let's get this over with. What the fuck did you see?" I asked leaning against the wall.
".....Katsuki?" I heard a whisper making my heart skip a beat.
No....fuck no.
I walked closer to her and looked at her with the little light we had above her head.
"..No..." I whispered looking at her.
She still looked as beautiful as ever.
My ex-girlfriend.
My first lover
My last lover.

"What the fuck are you doing here?!" I yelled making her whimper and shake.
"What? Why the fuck are you here?! What the fuck were you doing running around late at night!? Hah!?" I started screaming and shaking in anger.
"I-I'm sorry! I didn't mean it! I-I swear!"
"Shut up! Shittyhair!"
"Take her home. Now!" I stormed out of the cells and walked up to my office.

Fuck. Why was she here? We weren't supposed to see each other at all. Fuck fuck fuck.
I pulled fistfuls of my hair and slammed my fist against my table. 
Why? I groaned.

"What woman!?"
"Where were you? You left for a whole week!" 
"I know. Fuck. Stop bugging me." I muttered and fell on the bed.
"No! You left without a word. How was I supposed to know where you were?" 
"I don't know. God damn woman." I groaned.
"Katsuki. If something's going on, I need you to tell me. You're disappearing, and getting hurt." 
"It's not your fucking business!" 
"It is actually! We're dating!" 
"Who the fuck cares? I don't fucking care! We don't need to date anymore! As long as you get off my back!"
"......" I didn't say anything and just glared at her. 
"Fine," She muttered, grabbed some clothes, and left. 

I was happy we argued. It was close to our graduation meaning I would officially be the Don of the mafia. And I didn't want to bring her in there. 
Fuck. She knows about me now. Fuck fuck fuck.

Marinette's POV:
"So...was-was that Katsuki?"
"....Yea. Sorry."
"Whatever." I scoffed.
He left me. We argued and he left me wondering where he was and what happened to him. 
I don't care we broke up. I still cared for him but whatever. He doesn't care about me so I don't care about him. And what was this all about?
"Ok...Just don't tell anyone about this." Kirishima said dropping me off at my penthouse. 
"Whatever." I got out of the car and went to my penthouse.

I was laying in my bed thinking of everything that happened today.
I finally saw Katsuki after 4 years. He yelled at me and he's probably the boss of killers. 
Ugh, I hate him.
No, I don't.
I do.
I groaned and fell asleep.

Hey guys!
Ok....this chapter is terrible.
I don't know what's going on with me.
But I just couldn't think of anything.
And like I had nothing in my head.
I am so sorry.
But hopefully the next chapter will be better.

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