Chapter 5

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I was in my office working on more designs and waiting for Adrien to come here with a draft of the design for him. 
It'll just be an example to see if it'll fit him, if we want it tighter or looser, or if we want to change the colours.
"Ms. Marinette?" My intercom buzzed.
"Yes, Bella?"
"Some man is"
"He called you Blueberry?"
What? What's he doing here?
"Send him up," I muttered and sighed.
A few minutes later I saw Katsuki walk in with Bella behind him with a confused look.
Katsuki was wearing a black hoodie with a red jacket on top. He had his hood up and he wore a black mask. 

"Hey Blueberry

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"Hey Blueberry."
"Hey.." I muttered and smiled at Bella so she could go.

Once the door was shut I looked at Katsuki and he took off his mask leaving it on his chin. 
"Katsuki? What are you doing here? How do you know where I work?"
"First of're everywhere. So I know where you work. Second of all, I came here to hang with you. I told you we'll see each other soon remember?"
"Ok. Fine. What do you want to do?"
"Lunch? When do you get off?" I looked at my clock.
"An hour. I have my model coming here in a bit so I need you to behave and stay in the corner."
"Fine fine." He muttered and flopped down on the sofa.
"Why are you wearing a mask?"
"Don't want my enemies seeing me." He shrugged.
I sighed. 
A few minutes later, Katsuki got bored and stood up behind me watching me draw.
"You're still amazing at drawing, Blueberry." I felt his hot breath on the back of my neck and close to my ear.
He knows my sweet spot. 
"Katsuki..." I blushed.
"Nothing.." I muttered and continued drawing. 

"Hey, Marinette!" My door opened and Adrien walked in with the sample outfit.
He looked behind me and made a confused face.
Katsuki stood up straight and raised his mask and covered his face. 
"Hey, Adrien. Ready?"
"Yes." He muttered and stared at Katsuki.
I sighed.
I went to Adrien and checked out their outfit on him.
"Alright. How does it feel?"
"Good. Nothing's too tight or loose."
"Remember Marinette when I used to be your model?" Katsuki said sitting on my chair and putting his legs on my table.
I could just tell he was smirking. 
"Yes..." I muttered and continued looking at the outfit on Adrien.
"So...Marinette? Wanna go for lunch?"
"She's going out with me buddy. Sorry." Katsuki said making Adrien glare at him.
"Katsuki!" I glared at him making him put his hands up in surrender.
"I'm sorry about him, Adrien. Next time." I smiled and patted his shoulder.
"Alright. You're good to go. Chloe will be here in a bit to check the colours again. Can you give this to Jeremy?" I gave him a sticky note.
"Bye!" He waved and glared at Katsuki then walked away. 

"What was that about Katsuki?" I asked him and pushed his feet off my desk. He took off his mask again. 
"Nothing." He shrugged. 
"Get off my chair."
"I thought I was your chair?" He smirked making me blush. 

"Hey, guys!"
"Hey, Marinette!" I was about to sit down on the cafeteria chair but Katsuki pulled my arm. 
"Wait." He sat down first then pulled me onto his lap.
I blushed and he patted my head.

"I'm coming!" I groaned and went to our room where Katsuki was just sitting on the bed staring at me.
"I'm bored."
"You always are." I giggled and went and sat on his lap.
His hands instantly went around my waist and he put his face in my neck. 

"Alright, babe. Listen."
"Yes, Blueberry?"
"I'm going to the bathroom. And this." I pointed to his lap.
"Is my seat. So if anyone asks if this seat is free say no."
"Yes, Blueberry. I know." He smiled at me.
"Ok. Pinky promise." I gave him my pinky. He chuckled and wrapped his pinky around mine.
"Now if I come back and someone's on my seat I'll break your pinky."
"Got it, Blueberry." He chuckled and gave me a peck.

I came back to Earth and saw Katsuki staring at me with worry.
"Oh, so-sorry. I was thinking of something. Is it lunchtime yet?"
"Yea...are you sure you're ok?"
"Mhm. Let's go." I grabbed my bag and started walking towards the door. 
"Wait up!" He ran after me and pulled up his mask.

"So how's life?" Katsuki asked from across me.
We were at a small restaurant.
"Nothing much. The cover competition is coming up so I'm working on that."
"Don't'll do great." He smiled making me smile too. 
"What are you up to?"
"You know I'm not going to tell you anything." He pointed out and sipped his soda.
" are you hanging out with me?"
"I want to get to know you again. I missed you." He muttered and looked down at his glass.
".....I missed you too." I smiled.
"Hey there! 1 burger with everything and one pasta with extra cheese." This male waiter gave us our plates.
I ordered pasta while Katsuki ordered an everything burger.
"Thank you." I smiled while Katsuki started eating while looking down so his face was covered. 
"Anytime. You are pretty by the way. Oh! And you made a good choice with the pasta. They are delicious. The moment you ordered it, I thought I fell in love with you." He chuckled making me laugh.
"Alright, kid! Scram!" Katsuki snapped making the guy run off.
"Katsuki." I scold.
"He was flirting with you." He muttered and took a big bite of his burger. 
"So? He was cute." I muttered.
"You're way older than him.
"I'm just 24," I muttered.
"Yea. And he looked like a 15-year-old. That's why you said he looks cute."
"Shut up," I muttered and stuffed more pasta in my mouth.

"Wanna go shopping?"
"Shopping? Uhhhhh I have work." I muttered looking at my phone.
"I have meetings with my teams. So I got to go." I muttered looking for my car keys.
"If you want I can drop you off somewhere?"
"Nah it's fine. Drop me off at your building. I'll go from there."

I parked my car in my parking spot and got out with Katsuki.
"Alright. See ya later, Katsuki." I smiled and waved but he pulled me into a hug.
"Thank you for hanging out with me today. It was amazing." He mumbled. 
I smiled and wrapped my arms around his waist.
I always loved his hugs. They were warm and comforting making me feel safe.
"Thank you for annoying me. You made my day much better. Come again, ok?" I patted his chest.
"Alright." He smiled and walked away after saying bye. 

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