Chapter 11

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I walked into my elevator and went up to my penthouse.
I leaned against the wall of the elevator while running my fingers through my hair.
I was frustrated. I felt betrayed. I felt scared.
I can't believe it.

"Look, girl. He's in the mafia. He's the number one mafia here. He kills and sells drugs. Here's proof. He disappeared after he graduated! He kept leaving while dating you!"
"....Alya...?" I looked at the pictures and sure enough, there was Katsuki. He would either be with other men in black with crates probably filled with drugs or whatever.
"He's dangerous!"
"And you're hanging out with him again!?"
"I'm sorry girl. I'm just trying to protect you." She patted my back and left.

I sighed and walked into my apartment.
I dropped my handbag on my couch and walked to my kitchen for a glass of water.
After grabbing a glass, I walked out of the kitchen.
"Hey Blueberry."
"Woah." He caught my glass.
"The fuck you so jumpy for?" He asked giving me my glass back. 
"Nothing," I whispered grabbing my glass and walking off.
"Oi! Where are you going? Marinette!"
"Leave me alone, Katsuki," I said walking up the stairs to my room. 
"Why? Where are you going?"
"I'm still mad at you and I don't want to see you again."
"What do you fucking mean you don't want to see me again!?" He said while walking up the stairs. 
"I mean, I don't want to see you again!" I said storming into my closet and grabbing comfortable clothes. 
"What did I fucking do?! This can not have anything to do with that blonde idiot!"
"Shut up!" I yelled grabbing my clothes and walking to my bathroom.
"Oi! I'm not done fucking talking to you!" He grabbed my arm turning me around.
"What happened?" He asked me.
"Nothing. I want you out of here! Or else I'm calling security!"
"You fucking will not! But go ahead! Let's see what they will do!" 
"Shut it, Katsuki," I growled. 
"You shut it! Tell me what's fucking wrong!"
"You fucking betrayed me!"
"......The fuck?"
"Don't act fucking stupid with me! You lied to me! You're in the mafia! You kill people! You do bad stuff! You lied to me all this time even when we were dating!"
"...." He stared at me with a weird face.
"Who told you?"
"That doesn't matter! What matters is that you're doing illegal stuff and you lied to me! All I knew was that you were in a group with killers because of the day we met. But now I learn that you're the boss!?"
"Marinette. You need to calm the fuck down."
"I don't need to calm down. Shut up!"
"No! I-"
"Shut the fuck up!" 
"....." I stared at him.
"Now you're going to be fucking quiet and you're going to fucking listen to me!" He growled.

"Alright. I'm the Don of the Mafia. Meaning I'm the boss. When we were dating, I was still training so I had to leave for little missions and training. I took a business course so I know what I'm doing and won't do a bad trade. I have my men. My friends also are in it. We sell and trade. We make allies and enemies. We sell drugs and weapons. We offer protection. And sometimes people would come to us to kill someone for their for money. But we don't hurt women or children. We are loyal to our groups. And if someone does betray me they get punished most likely killed."
".........." We were sitting on my bed and he just explained everything to me.
"....Ok." I sighed.
"You're not mad?"
"I am. I'm terrified. I'm angry."
"Why are you scared?" He asked putting his hand on my knee.
"What if you get hurt? All those times you came hurt.....what if you get more hurt? What if you get shot badly?"
"None of those will happen. And even if it does, I have my crew and you. Don't worry about me. Trust me." He ran his hand up and down my thigh.
"I'll still worry about you. But I'll trust that you'll be careful."
"Alright, Blueberry."
"So why'd you punch Adrien?"
"I didn't punch him. He had that bruise already. He had foundation or whatever. I wiped it off."
"Ok....but why?"
".......I don't want to tell you yet..."
"..Ok." I nodded and looked away.
"Hey, don't be upset. I'll tell you later. Just know you can't tell anyone this. And try telling whoever told you not to tell anyone either."
"Ok..." I nodded.

"God~ Fuck~" Katsuki moaned.
"Is that good?" I whispered.
"Fuck, Blueberry~ Harder~" I chuckled and continued massaging his shoulders and back.
(Nasty people, you all are ;))
We had nothing else to do, so I decided to massage Katsuki's back and shoulders.
He was laying on his stomach on my bed with me straddling his lower back. He took off his shirt. I was only wearing a loose tank top with a workout bra underneath. I had on shorts. 

"God...I love your massages." He muttered sleepily.
"Thank you." I muttered and massaged his shoulders more. His back and shoulders were really tense and tight. 
When I heard him snoring, I stopped slowly, and got off of him and laid beside him.
I looked up at the ceiling thinking about everything. 
"Ngh~" Katsuki moaned and turned over, grabbing me and pulling me in his arms.
He put his face into my neck and went back to sleep.
I sighed and ran my fingers through his hair.
"I love you." I heard him quietly mutter making me freeze.
" don't." I mutter back quietly.
"I do. I love you." He mutters once more before falling back to sleep.
I sighed and just forgot about it.

Mafia Bakugou x MarinetteWhere stories live. Discover now