Chapter 27

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"I think these are cute," I said while showing him the cute baby clothes.
"Yea they are. But these are cuter!" He showed me a onesie that says 'Fuck You!'
"Katsu! Put that down!" I slapped his chest lightly.

So far I am 3 months pregnant.
It was scary in the beginning because I kept throwing up every morning, and I would get scared thinking if I do any normal work the baby will get hurt.
But with Katsuki's help, everything is going smoothly. 
I started living with Katsuki too.
He's been dealing with all my weird cravings like a champ.

"Katsu~" I whined.
"Yea, baby?" He asked while looking at baby socks.
"I want pickle wrapped in sushi..." I mumbled while dreaming about it.
"Alright, baby girl," he said putting the socks down.
We don't know the gender yet so we're getting neutral-coloured clothes.
He wrapped an arm around my waist and pushed the cart to the checkout. 
The lady started checking the baby's items and put them in a bag.
"Bye hot stuff~" I looked shocked at the cashier.
First of all, she's way younger than Katsuki. Second of all, can't she see me with him?
"C'mon, baby." He muttered and tried pulling me with him.
"He's fucking having a child with me! So fuck off minor!"
"Well, he can come to me if he wants a good fuck." She said innocently.
"Why you!" I was about to go back to her when Katsuki grabbed me and lifted me bridal style and grabbed the bag of stuff.
"Let go of me! Fuck you!" I yelled over his shoulder.

I crossed my arms and pouted while resting my head against his chest. 
He took me to his car and put me in the passenger seat. 
He set the bag in the back seat and sat down in his seat.
We sat there for a while in silence.
I pouted and glared out the window.
I could feel the tears about to fall because Katsuki didn't say anything to that girl. 
"Hey, baby. Don't cry." He muttered while rubbing my thigh.
"Leave me alone," I mumbled.
He sighed and started the car.

He drove around for a while then stopped and got out.
A few minutes later he came back in and gave me a container.
"What's this..?" I mumbled while sniffling.
"Pickles wrapped in sushi."
"Thank you.." I mumbled while biting into the disgustingly yet tasty food. 
"There's no fish...."
"No raw food remember? So just rice and a few veggies." he patted my head and gave me a tissue to clean my face.
He drove around a bit and pulled into a drive-through.

"Yes...A 20-piece chicken tenders with a spicy chicken burger and 2 large"
"I want a burger too!" I said while finishing my food.
"Another burger but not spicy. Thank you." He said.
"Mhm." he took my container and threw it in the garbage can we have in the car.
He grabbed napkins and cleaned my face and fingers.

When we got to the window, he grabbed the food and gave me my food.
I immediately started eating my burger and fries.
During my pregnancy, I get really hungry and eat way more than before. 

"Alright, baby."
"Hm?" I hummed while stuffing my face with cookies in the kitchen.
"Fuck~ You adorable little shit." He chuckled and pinched my cheeks. 
I giggled and finished chewing then looked at Katsuki to listen to whatever he wanted to say. 
"I have a meeting........and I want you to come since I don't want to leave you alone."
"Ok." I nodded and was about to jump off the counter when Katsuki came and grabbed me by my hips.
"Careful, baby." He pecked my forehead. 
"I'm going to go grab some papers real quick, just stay here." He said jogging upstairs.
I went through the whole kitchen and grabbed all my favourite snacks.
"Alright, I'm ready-" He stood there staring at me holding a bunch of snacks.
"Baby." He chuckled and grabbed a bag.
He put all my snacks in there and grabbed a huge bottle of water.
"Gotta stay hydrated baby." He pecked my cheeks.

"I don't fucking care. I need this done." I was on Katsuki's lap playing on his phone since my phone died.
My back was to his chest while one of his hands was on my stomach and the other one on the table. 
There were a bunch of men all around the table and a few of them I recognized.
Kirishima was here including Mina. They waved at me but the other men just kept their scary glaring faces on. 

I wanted my water bottle but it was on the table and I couldn't reach it so I tapped Katsuki's thigh.
"Yea, baby?" He mumbled in my ear.
"I want my bottle." I looked up at him and whispered.
He chuckled and leaned forward while holding onto me and grabbed my bottle and gave it to me.
"Thank you," I whispered and pecked his cheek.
"You're welcome, Beautiful."

"Ahem, boss?"
"What?" Katsuki looked up and set his stone-cold face.
"....May we ask....who the lady is?"
"....Well...this your fucking Queen! So I fucking expect everyone here to treat her like how you treat me. If I'm here or not. You will protect her with your life. And my future baby." He patted my stomach gently.
"Yes sir." They all said.
"Welcome our Queen." They all said later while bowing their heads.
"Oh, n-no you-"
"Shh, they have to," Katsuki said while pulling me back and massaging my thighs.

Katsuki's POV:
While I kept going through plans for the American Mafia, I realized Marinette fell asleep on me. 
Her head was drooping down my chest so I grabbed her head and kept it in place.
I kept her head in place while massaging her thighs and hips. 
"Ngh~ Mhm~" She turned her head to the other side and gripped my wrists. 
Her eyebrows were scrunched up so I used my thumb and rubbed in between her eyebrows. 
I felt a little thump against my palm and looked down to see the thump coming from her stomach.
I froze and kept my hand there when I felt it again.
"What's wrong?" Shittyhair and Pinky stood up. 
"They kicked! Everyone out!" I ordered while still looking down at her stomach. 

Once everyone was gone, I closed my eyes and tried feeling around for another kick.
"Katsu?" I heard a whisper and then felt her hand on my hand that was on her stomach.
"Hey, baby. How was your nap?"
"Good." She mumbled and sat up to get comfortable.
"The baby kicked. Did you feel it?"
"What? Really?"
"Yea! Two times! Two fucking times!" I chuckled and squeezed her.
"Aww, I missed it..." She pouted so I kissed her lips.
"God I love you."
"I love you. So fucking much. I still loved you even after breaking up with you."
"....I love you too!" She said while trying to turn in my lap.
I chuckled and lifted her and twisted her around.
She hugged me tightly and put her face on my neck.
"I love you so much, Katsu."
"I love you too, Blueberry," I muttered and kissed her forehead. 

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