Relationship vs Duty (Devdutt Paddikal)

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Requested by greeshma2905

"You are still stuck there!!", one girl said rolling her eyes while sipping her tea.

"Umm!! I ain't!! It's just what I think!! God has divided us in gender, to play our specific...that is..the men will earn and the lady will take care of home!! A perfect home!!", the guy replied making the girl looks at him angrily.

"Kyu!! God told you so!? C'mon Dev!! Just because you play for Indian cricket, doesn't mean I will agree to your...pathetic views..even now!! You roamed around the world...met so many women..and still you think so low of us!!", She asked angrily.

"Look Greeshma!! It's never about being inferior to us!! It's just about.... what's one's priority!!", He justified his point.

Greeshma just shakes her head disappointingly at him faking out a chuckle at his thinking "And why exactly do you ek ghar a women's job...and doing job is yours!!?"

"Because that's how it has always been!!", he answered shrugging.

"No!! Look at the history!! From Modern history to ancient history, women's have always helped men!! can you forget Rani Laxmibai..what she has done for our nation!! Look at Dr. Pratibha Patil, Indira Gandhi!! Our history is full of such women who have conquered world!! Kalpana Chawla to Sania Mirza...and ofcourse Mithali Raj and so many more examples!! Do you think they will remain unmarried!!

Why am I asking about else!! Look into your team...Virat and Anushka..!! They both are so successful in their respective field...and yet a perfect parents to their daughter!!", She said making Devdutt irritated.

"See Greeshma!! That's how I think!! Even if Anushka give everything to Vami, but look, she has taken break from her job!! About Mithali...she is still single...and by the time she will get married, it will be her age for retirement!! Ultimately, everyone will once their priority shifts!! But your has no end!! You keep on working till you get old enough to not leave the bed!! Doctor's life is.....!!!", He left the sentence in mid making her grit her teeth.

Well...she can tolerate anything, but noone can question her job.

"That's why you are standing here!! Doctor's life is not easy Dev!! We work for passion, to serve every country men...not like yours, full of glamour and low thinking!!", She answered in angry voice.

"That's where problem lies!! You girls can't accept truth!! Believe me Greeshma... doctor's life is one of the most hectic and demanding job...and no girl can live for her family once she sign up for this!!"

"That's your views...but...I know...I will be a great daughter in law and whosoever I get marry!!", She answered looking confidently in his eyes...not knowing...that their future are entangled in each other's only...knitted by their family.


"Okay...!! How did we even ended here!!?", Asked Greeshma to her parents, who were smiling slyly at her.

"Exactly...and how did you even of her my wife!! Ughh!!", exclaimed Devdutt frustratingly.

"Excuse me!!"

"Excused!!", Greeshma nods her head furiously as well as negatively at him.

She then sighs and turn towards her Mom.

"Mom!! You can't just decide things without asking me okay!! It's my life we are talking about!!"

"I know Reesh!! But...see...You and Dev are childhood both know each other!! What more do you need in a relationship?", She asked confusingly, not understanding why she is denying for the alliance.

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