The Meet Up

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"Babe I want to be friends with the guy next door, he's new here and I'm sure he has no friends, can I invite him to join us for dinner?" Yoongi suddenly asked his husband as they were preparing dinner.

"But we are supposed to have some us time tonight babe" His husband complained wanting to spend the night with only his husband and not some stranger.

"Okay if you say so, I guess I'll invite him for lunch tomorrow if he'll be home since it is the weekend and you're leaving for Seoul for business" Yoongi said pouting in a sulky way.

"Are you sulking because you'll miss me or because of the guy next door?" His husband asked with raised eyebrows.

"Because I will miss you obviously" Yoongi said Pecking his husband's cheek while showing his beautiful gummy smile.

"Great because I can't wait to go and come back to you my sugar plum" His husband said stopping what he was doing, he cupped Yoongi's cheeks and leaned in to kiss his lips.

Yoongi kissed his husband back wrapping his arms around his husband's neck standing on his toes so that his back won't hurt.They shared a passionate slow kiss and his husband pulled away.

"We are gonna burn the food baby" His husband said chuckling and Yoongi joined him.

"I remember last time when we forgot we were cooking and found my pot black af, if it wasn't for the smoke smell I don't know if this house would still be here" Yoongi said reminiscing the past and they both shared a great laugh and continued cooking.

"Haa it is so lonely here I miss home, I miss him, I miss Jungkook so bad what do I do with myself I ran away so that I can forget about him but here I am thinking about him"

Jimin thought out loud as he was eating, he was actually not really eating just playing with his food as he was lost in his thoughts. He missed Jungkook but he promised himself to never forgive a cheater ever and that is exactly what he was doing, even if it wasn't easy at all.

He decided to video call his little brother Jihyun.They talked on the phone for a while and he actually forgot all about Jungkook for a while.

"Father please tell me where he is, I know I can't prove that I didn't cheat for now but I just want to see him atleast"

Jimin heard Jungkook's voice and his heart sank.

"Why didn't you tell me that Jungkook is there?" Jimin asked his little brother.

"He just got here. This is the second time he came to ask about your whereabouts hyung." Jihyun said and Jungkook somehow heard that Jihyun is talking to Jimin and ran to Jihyun's room.

"Jimin my love oh my God I miss you so much I-" Jungkook snatched Jihyun's phone to speak to Jimin but as soon as Jimin saw his face he hung up. Jihyun quickly snatched his phone back from Jungkook not wanting Jungkook to call Jimin or steal his numbers.

"Hyung why did you do that, now Jimin won't Answer when I call him." Jihyun complained rolling his eyes and pouting.

"Give me his number please I beg you Jihyungie" Jungkook desperately asked but Jihyun shook his head no and locked his phone sitting in top of it.

"I can't Jimin hyung will be angry at me I'm sorry hyung but you have to find another way to solve this because clearly this is not working." Jihyun said not wanting to be caught in the middle of the lovers quarrel.

Jungkook just left Jihyun's room with the last energy he had and left their house too without saying anything to anyone. He low-key was angry at them for not trusting him after all this time they knew him. He was angry that they didn't want to tell him where Jimin is when he's innocent and dying inside.

His driver opened the car door for him and he entered looking like his whole world had collapsed. Jimin is actually his world, his reason to be soft and to smile. His happiness. The only person he's soft to, as he's known as the rude tough CEO.

His driver wanted to console him but decided to just drive silently because Jungkook can chop his head off for talking too much.


That night Jimin cried himself to sleep, the state he saw Jungkook in broke his heart, he had dark circles around his eyes and looked exhausted.

What hurt him the most was the fact that he missed him a lot too but he just hates cheaters he hates them with his whole heart. After his experience with the cheater he forgave million times thinking he's gonna change but he was actually lying to himself. He decided that in future, if a person cheats once he leaves without looking back.

He wants to forget all about Jungkook and move on but it isn't that easy and he can't just get over him over night. Besides Jungkook came into his life and treated him with love and care and never made him doubt that he wasn't loved even once. It hard to believe that his perfect boyfriend had someone else and he denied it.


Jungkook woke up the next day dragging his feet to the bathroom to take a shower as an important client was coming today and he couldn't miss this meeting. He showered and dressed up with the 1% energy that was left in him.

His maids were already done setting breakfast for him but he refused to eat it and left for work.

"Hoseok-Shi is everything set for the meeting, it has to go smoothly like butter." Jungkook asked Hoseok as soon as Hoseok entered his office after seeing that he has arrived.

"Yes Mr Jeon everything is ready and the client will be here in an hour" Hoseok notified his boss.

"Great I'll see him then go back home" Jungkook said not even feeling like talking at all.

"Sir have you eaten you look bad, I'm going to bring a cup of coffee for you, drink it so that you won't collapse in front of this important client okay. " Hoseok said leaving without waiting for a reply. He came back with the coffee and Jungkook drank it.

An hour later Jungkook was waiting for the client in his office along with Hoseok who was busy fixing files since he's a perfectionist and hates unorganized things.

Wherever the client passed inside the company, all Jungkook's employees were left with their mouth and eyes wide open from shock from how handsome he is and mostly how much he resembled Jungkook, he looked like his twin some even thought they are seeing things that maybe it was actually Jungkook he had went out and came back.

Finally the elevator stopped at the 20th floor where Jungkook's office is and the client got off and walked towards Jungkook's office along with his PA. Jungkook's receptionist saw them and looked at them puzzled.

"Is there something on my face?" The client asked dumbfounded.

"No you're okay boss I don't know what's wrong with her" His PA said looking at the receptionist who ran to Jungkook's office to check if Jungkook was there or what.

"What is it are you okay Julia?" Hoseok asked as he saw Julia looking at Jungkook then outside Jungkook's office before collapsing.
I missed y'all. Tada.
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