Trouble In Love?

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"What the hell.!" Taehyung asked and looked at the person infront of him. "Who are you? OH LORD, don't tell me I cheated on Yoongi please." Taehyung screamed seeing Jihyun.

"Yes we had an amazing night daddy, you already forgot.. That's sad." Jihyun pouted fake sulking, now that Tae is awake and talking to him with his deep sexy voice he had forgotten why he came here to wake Taehyung up.

"Daddy... Ew No please I never cheated on Yoongi before how is this possible?
10 ." Taehyung asked scooting away from Jihyun looking at him up and down.

"I'm a different breed daddy, you couldn't resist me." Jihyun said seductively licking his bottom lip and Taehyung looked away not wanting to see any of that.

"Where are we? I need to go home, this can't be happening, how much did I drink to end up in this situation?" Taehyung muttered as Jihyun looked at him lovingly while trying to hold his laughter a little longer but he couldn't.

"You're so cute I can't believe you believed me like that" Jihyun said laughing at Taehyung who  was looking at him dumbfounded not understanding what's going on.

Suddenly Jungkook called out Jihyun's name and the latter immediately stopped laughing and got out of the car as soon as possible.

"Jungkook Hyung he's awake, at the end I had to slap him to wake him up, after many gentle tries.... How is Aunty?" Jihyun chirped like his usual self and Jungkook was not in the mood for this.

"They said she'll be fine, Taehyung are you sober now?" Jungkook asked peeking inside the car to find Taehyung lost in thoughts.

"Taehyung!" Jungkook firmly called and Taehyung snapped out of his thoughts.

"Thank God you're here bro who's that lunatic, what was he doing here with me?" Taehyung asked feeling a little relieved seeing Jungkook.

"That's Jimin's little brother don't call him that, anyways I've got something to tell you. Mom was involved in a car accident." Jungkook said and Taehyung felt his world stop... What.. His newly found mom.. Noo he can't lose her when he just met her.

"Please tell me she's Okay." Taehyung  pleaded looking at Jungkook with hopeful eyes. Jungkook nodded and Taehyung finally let out a breath he didn't even notice he was holding.

"I should call aunt and let her know." Taehyung said already taking out his phone.

"Let's call them tomorrow when we know her condition better for now let's go see her." Jungkook said and Taehyung nodded getting out of the car.

Jihyun wanted to walk between Tae and Jungkook but Tae moved away walking side to side with Jungkook. This made Jihyun sad but he hid his sadness, he knew he was paying with fire and liking the wrong guy. Tae is married, he'll never be his.

"I need to go to a bathroom." Jihyun said as they were about to enter Mrs Jeon's room.

"Don't go for too long." Jungkook said.


"Where the hell is he? He's been gone for hours is he sleeping out, is he finally accepting that this is too much for him and that I'm a barren burden to him." tears flowed down Yoongi's eyes just at the thought of Taehyung leaving him.

Yes he always says they should divorce and go their separate ways but he doesn't mean any of that, he just want to hear those reassuring words Taehyung says when he starts his divorce nonsense talk.


"Okay Kookie take care, I'll come there as soon as I wake up tomorrow." Jimin said, he wanted to go to the hospital right now but Jungkook refused and told him to rest as it is late and dangerous but the real reason is he didn't want Jimin to go to the hospital in a taxi. Jimin can't drive so he can't even take one of Jungkook's cars.

"Okay baby, you guys sleep well then I'll fetch you tomorrow. I love you and the twins." Jungkook said smiling already missing his little family.

"We love you too daddy goodnight." Jimin said and hung up.

Jungkook was about to walk to the awkward duo Jihyun and Taehyung who are standing 1,5 meters away from each other when his phone rang.

"Talk to me." Jungkook said.

"It wasn't an accident sir, someone wanted to kill Mrs Jeon."

"Get to the bottom of this matter."
Jungkook said and hung up then heavily sighed after hearing those words , who was trying to kill his mom and for what. This never happened before why now?

He walked up to Jihyun and Taehyung with a fake smile trying to look all good.

"Now you look like that Jihyun I know, I don't ever want to see you wearing those kinds of clothes again or I'll tell my parents in law." Jungkook playing threatened looking at Jihyun who was now wearing a dress shirt and a dress pant he ordered someone to bring over.

"I look weird." Jihyun Mumbled and Jungkook raised his eyebrow at him. "I love  these clothes they are so comfortable and they suit me." Jihyun said with a fake smile nervously looking at Jungkook.

"You should go sleep with Aunty and I'll sleep in the car with Taehyung." Jihyun nodded and went to Mrs Jeon's room.


"What's with all that security is mom's life in danger.?" Taehyung asked since he didn't get why Mrs Jeon needed all that security.

"Someone tried to kill her, her car was tampered with. " Jungkook told Taehyung who looked at Jk with wide eyes shocked.

" What? Why?"

"I'm still trying to find out, this never happened before." Jungkook said and both of them got in deep thoughts as they walked to their car.


"Aunty I'm a fool aren't I?... I mean if not why did I have to have a crush on a married man?... He's so out of my league yet I thought I stand a chance.....haha I'm so stupid, he even dislikes me... You should have seen how he always wanted to be away from me.... Huh Why did my first love have to be so complicated?" Jihyun kept on rambling not noticing someone listening to  his self talk. He sighed and looked up at the ceiling and let his tears fall.

'Does he really like me? I thought he was playing?' Taehyung thought to himself entering Mrs Jeon's room looking at the heartbroken Jihyun, who's heart he unintentionally broke.

Flash back.

"Jungkook you should go to rest first, I'll go be with mom a little bit more and join you later." Taehyung said as he had a lot to tell his mom and wanted to spend time with her.

"Okay but don't take long she needs to rest and be careful we don't know what the attacker wants yet." Jungkook said and taehyung nodded before heading back inside the hospital cautious of his surroundings.

He was about to enter Mrs Jeon's room when he heard someone talking to himself or maybe to Mrs Jeon so he gently opened the door and peeked inside.

End of flash back.


What do you think Taehyung will do about Jihyun.?

Your thoughts on the story?

What will Jungkook do when he learns the truth about who's the culprit?

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