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Jungkook's Pov

It's been days since I've been guarding her house but she's nowhere to be found and mom acts weird whenever I ask her why aunty hasn't visited her since she got discharged. I like my aunt but I'm starting to think she had something to do with mom's accident.

I can't think of any reason  why she did it but she knew about her accident without being told and now she disappeared and also that day she was acting weird too.

"Babe are you even listening to me?" Jimin asked snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Huh?" I absentmindedly answered.

"You had a frown on your face and wasn't listening to me what are you thinking about so bad?" Jimin asked looking at me in the eyes while cupping my cheeks like he was trying to read me.

"A-Haha it's nothing just work stuff are you okay my baby?" I faked a laugh and changed the topic since I couldn't tell Jimin about my suspicions about Aunty that I had no proof of.

"I'm okay, but you don't seem to be good." Jimin said with a pout and furrowed eyebrows looking at me probably worried about me, I shouldn't make him worry when he's pregnant with our little bundles of joy so I perked his pouted lips for a while before I pulled away.

"I'm fine I promise, I'm just worried about Yoongi and Taehyung." I changed the topic again hoping he buys my story this time but I wasn't lying though I'm really worried about my twin and his husband, I don't wish what they are going through on anyone.

"Poor Yoongi he looked like his world has come to an end when I saw him last night, I hope they'll overcome this and be okay soon even though it won't be easy." Jimin said now looking sad.

"They'll be fine I believe they will find a way to comfort each other and a way forward once they are okay." I said just thinking about how Taehyung looked exhausted when I saw him last night, I really hope they'll be okay.

"Yeah.." Jimin said with a sigh.

"Is my baby hungry, it's been hours since you ate." I asked trying to change the topic since the atmosphere was thick.

"Mmm it's like you can read my mind I'm actually craving boiled eggs, spicy tteokbokki and a juice and.... (He fiddled with his fingers I wonder what he's cinna say next) my juice is finished so you have to go buy it." He said looking at me with big doe eyes that makes me say yes to everything he says. The juice store is very far hence he acted the way he did

"Okay baby just give me 30 minutes and I'll be back with everything you want before you know it." I said as I got off the bed and wore my shirt then took the car keys.

"Don't be gone for too long." Jimin whined with a pout and I perked his pouty lips.

"Don't miss me too much I'll back just now." I said and left our room after sending a flying kiss to him that he caught with a huge smile on his face. I love seeing him this happy, his smile lights up my world, he's my happiness.
Author's Pov
"Baby you should eat something, starving yourself and always locking yourself in a room won't solve anything you're only killing yourself please." Taehyung said standing outside their guest bedroom where Yoongi was.

"I'm fine, I'm not hungry just let me be." Yoongi snapped at the latter, this whole situation was weighing down on him. He felt guilty that Taehyung won't have children of his own because of him. He blamed himself for everything and couldn't face Taehyung which is why since that day he locks himself in the room and only opened the door once when Jimin visited.

"Baby I need you, we need each other the most right now, you're not the only one hurting, we are in this together please open this door I miss you and we can only overcome this if we deal with it together." Taehyung pleaded with the latter, this whole situation was killing him and he needed comfort and to be there for his lover but Yoongi wasn't letting him to even see his face.

"I'll come out when I'm ready please let me be for now. " Yoongi said tears falling down his eye hearing Taehyung pleading and his broken voice hurt him but he wasn't ready to face the latter irregardless.

"I'm going out to get some fresh air I'll be back." Taehyung said and took his car keys and dragged his feet to the garage and drove off to God knows where. He got to his favorite pub and ordered shots after shots like there's no tomorrow.

"Mr Kim why are you drinking so much who are you here with?" Taehyung heard someone talk to him, he looked up to see Jihyun standing in front of him.

"Hey kiddo what are you doing here looking so cute?" Taehyung asked with a smile  cupping Jihyun's cheeks more like squeezing them. Jihyun softly took Tae's hands off his face.

"You're so drunk Mr Kim what's the matter why are drinking so much?." Jihyun asked since  Taehyung was not himself.

"First help me get to my car I'll tell you all about my miserable life hmm kiddo?" Taehyung said and Jihyun shrugged and helped him stand up but as they were about to leave the bartender stopped them.

"Sir you haven't paid yet." The bartender said.

"Oh how much is his bill?" Jihyun asked while struggling to hold a very heavy Taehyung. The bartender told him the price and he paid Taehyung's bill and then helped the latter to his car. He successfully managed to help Taehyung get inside his car and the two sat together at the backseat of Tae's car.

"He's so wasted, I've never seen him like this before" Jihyun mumbled but Tae heard him.

"This is my only way to escape reality kiddo, I live with my husband but I haven't seen him for days now can you believe that." Taehyung bitterly chuckled.

"How is that possible?" Jihyun asked not getting it. How could two people live together but not see each other.

"He's been locking himself in a bedroom for days and won't see me. Maybe he doesn't want me no more, maybe he doesn't love me no more if he does then why is he doing this to me. He's killing me slowly." Taehyung rambled about all his problems to the latter and Jihyun felt sorry for the guy and decided to hug him.

Taehyung didn't hesitate and hugged the latter back like he really needed a hug.

"I'm sure whatever it is you two will overcome it and be happy again." Jihyun said but Taehyung shook his head disagreeing with what he was saying.

"It won't be okay, Yoongi is being selfish, I need him the most right now but he's not there, he doesn't want to see me, does he not love me anymore plus he always tells me to divorce him maybe he's over me." Taehyung said and Jihyun felt his shirt getting wet and he realized that Taehyung was silently crying.

He pulled away from the hug to look at the latter and indeed Tae was crying. Jihyun silently wiped Tae's tears and smiled at him even though his heart was aching, he liked this guy too much but this guy was never gonna be his, he was Inlove with someone else.

"Please don't cry I can't stand seeing you cry, everything will be okay just give it time." Jihyun said and Taehyung just looked at him not saying anything like he was thinking about something, before Jihyun could register what was happening Taehyung's lips were on his, Tae licking his lower lip asking for entrance but the latter was frozen and shocked.

"This isn't right, you are not supposed to do this." Jihyun said after pushing Tae away gently.

"I'm as good as single since my husband doesn't want me anymore so I don't see why not since you like me." Taehyung said and Jihyun looked at him not knowing how to feel about what he just said nor what he should say.

"So may I?" Taehyung asked and Jihyun thought why not, he liked Taehyung very much and maybe the latter will like him back one day otherwise why would he kiss him so he nodded not caring about Taehyung being married. He knew this was wrong but he wanted to do it anyway. Taehyung slowly leaned forward and captured his lips again.

Taehyung realized that Jihyun didn't know how to kiss so he pulled away.

"Is this your first kiss?" Taehyung asked.

"Yes it is...embarrassing right?" Jihyun said feeling shy.

"No it's cute just follow my lead I'm gonna teach you yeah?" Taehyung said and Jihyun nodded so Taehyung leaned forward again and smooched his lips on Jihyun's and kissed him slowly and sensual with the latter going with the flow.
Hi :)

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