Never Ending Problems II

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"Baby I need to go to him, he's drunk and Alone. You'll be fine right, I'll be back in a few." Jungkook hesitantly said, he didn't want to leave Jimin alone after the accident earlier but he had to go to Taehyung too.

"It's okay baby, I'm fine, it was a minor accident don't worry too much about me and go take Taehyung home." Jimin assured him, he could see how Jungkook was hesitant to leave.

"Okay baby if anything happens call me." Jungkook smiled a lil and kissed Jimin's forehead then got out of bed. He took a dress shirt and dress pant and changed quickly since he was already in bed wearing pyjamas.

He then took his cars keys and sent a flying kiss to Jimin before he left. Jimin shook his head and giggled.

"I can't believe he's the arrogant CEO everyone is scared of." Jimin spoke to himself with a huge smile on his face as he rubbed his bump that's not visible yet.


Jungkook got to the bar and spotted Taehyung drunk and shouting at the bartender to give him more shots while the bartender was busy trying to reason with him.

"Taehyung." Jungkook mentioned catching Taehyung's attention. Taehyung turned to look at Jungkook with a smile happy that his twin is here.

"Twinnie I'm glad you're here, please tell him you'll drive me home, I wanna drink more." Taehyung said glaring at the bartender.

"One last drink and we're leaving." Jungkook said seriously. Taehyung was already drunk he didn't need more alcohol..

"You should drink too, we should celebrate your engagement." Taehyung said already ordering two shots for him and his twin.

"No no I'm going to work tomorrow and I have low tolerance of alcohol I can't drink." Jungkook mentioned but Tae wasn't listening.

"Come on twinnie I'm sure one glass of a shot won't kill you." Taehyung drunkenly said but Jungkook shook his head no and stood up.

"We should leave, if you continue to drink like this, yoongi might leave you for real." Jungkook playfully threatened and Tae snapped his half closed eyes open.

"No no no Yoongi can't leave me, I can't live without him." Taehyung shook his head not wanting to hear anything about Yoongi leaving him.

"Yoongi is not just my boyfriend, he's my husband, my other half, my air without him I'd suffocate to death, he's my world, he can't leave me Twinnie, I can't live without him." Taehyung said with a shaky voice and tears freely fell from his eyes.

"He won't leave you believe me he loves you, but first let me take you home, we'll talk about this tomorrow okay?" Jungkook said trying to help Taehyung up. Taehyung cooperated and Jungkook successfully took him to his car.

He went back to the bar and paid Tae's bill. He was about to leave when he saw someone, his eyes widened not believing what he was seeing.

"Jihyun? Why are you here, dressed like that?" Jungkook almost shouted, his big brother mode already turning on.

"H...Hyung calm down, don't cause a scene please, I'm here with my friends." Jihyun explained pointing at his friends. "I saw you with Taehyung Hyung, he looked sad is he okay?" Jihyun asked that's all he cared about right now his crush.

"That is none of your business kid, you're outhere dressed like this late at night in a club and you're underage!" Jungkook scolded voice stern startling Jihyun.

"Hyung please it's my friend's birthday I couldn't miss it." Jihyun pleaded about to cry from how scary Jungkook looked, he never saw Jungkook angry before. He only heard that he's scary when he is but never saw it.

"I don't know how these club owners let kids who are underage drink alcohol nowadays, come on we are going home" Jungkook ordered and Jihyun was about to argue but Jungkook glared at him causing the latter to obey and follow him outside.

"Taehyung is sleepjng in the backseat come to the front." Jungkook mentioned but Jihyun quickly peeked inside and then ran to the other side and got in the back seat. Jungkook looked at him with Furrowed eyebrows not understandkng what he's doing.

"His neck is gonna be painful when he wakes up tomorrow, so I'll borrow him my lap to sleep on." Jihyun said already resting Tae's head on his lap.

"Yah he's someone's husband." Jungkook scolded, looking at how Jihyun was caressing Tae's hair and smiling like an idiot.

"Yes and he's your twin, so he's my in law right Hyung, that means I can take care of him." Jihyun explained but in reality he was happy that he finally gets to see Taehyung up close and he's even touching his handsome face.

Jungkook shook his head  agreeing  with the brother in law theory, besides Jihyun is way too young for Taehyung so it's okay. He started the car while contemplating whether he should take Tae home to Yoongi or just go to his own house with him.

His phone suddenly rang and it was an unknown number.

"Whatever you're selling I'm good." He said as soon as he answered the call and almost hung up when the caller stopped him.

"Mr Jeon wait." The caller said.

"Who's this?" Jungkook asked hoping it's not more bad news.

"I'm Nurse Miranda and I'm calling to inform you that your mom was involved in a terrible car accident, you need to come here as soon as possible." The nurse said and Jungkook felt like his whole world just stopped. He quickly pulled over as he felt like he was suffocating.

"Hyung what's the matter?" Jihyun asked noticing how Jungkook was finding it hard to breath. "Hyung..."

"I'll be there." Jungkook said voice hardly audible and the phone fell from his hand from how bad he was trembling.

"My mother was involved in a car accident Jihyun. They said it was a terrible one and I should hurry." Jungkook said voice so low like his whole world has just come crashing down. His brain wasn't operating.

"No, not Aunty, Hyung let's go quickly then. Should I call Jimin Hyung and tell him to meet us there?"

"No no, Jimin is never getting into no taxi, let's go to the hospital first." Jungkook said snapping out of his shocked state. Jihyun frowned at that sentence, what's wrong with Taxis, he doesn't get it.


"He said he'll be back soon but he's taking forever to come and I'm sleepy, I should sleep, tomorrow I want to go see Yoongi." Jimin said with a yawn looking at the time on his phone.


"What did you just say?" Jungkook asked again not wanting to believe any of these.

"She lost a lot of blood, she's gonna need blood transfusion asap but also in her state the blood transfusion won't guarantee that she'll be okay." The doctor said and Jungkook clenched  his fist in anger.

"I'll do it, test me." Jungkook said and the doctor took him away for testing.

"Taehyung wake up, this is an emergency your mom needs you, why did you have to drink so much." Jihyun scolded while agrressively shaking Taehyung.

"He's dead asleep, I could blast music right now and he wouldn't wake up oh Lord, Jungkook Hyung needs you please wake up."

An idea suddenly popped in his little mind and he smiled looking at Taehyung with an evil smirk. He raised his hand up and slapped Taehyung so hard across the face causing Taehyung to wake up with a yelp.

"What the hell.!" Taehyung asked and looked at the person infront of him. "Who are you? OH LORD, don't tell me I cheated on Yoongi please."


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