What Wrong With My Moon?

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"We are done for it's been a week and I haven't heard a word from Taehyung at all" Taehyung's Aunt complained to Jungkook's mother Taehyung's real mother.

"You're better Jimin and Jungkook are getting married in a month and I found out about this from Jimin's mom" The twins mom complained too sighing.

"What are we gonna do sis? we have to fix this, our sons are suffering" The twins aunt asked not knowing what to do anymore.

"I tried to get to Jungkook through Jimin but it didn't work and I called Taehyung for a meet up but he hung up on me I don't know what to do too, I really want to meet Taehyung... my baby" the twins mom signed her facial expression filled with defeat and sorrow.

"But Taehyung is my son you gave him to me you can't take him away from me now, I already lost my husband not him too" The twins aunt complained her eyebrows furrowed, anger visible on her tone.

"What do you mean.. the truth is out now and he doesn't need to continue living as your son I want him back, I want to get to know him he's my baby" The twins mom complained not wanting to not be in her son's life no more.

"But what about me? I raised him, he's mine too and he's a grown man he'll decided who he wants as his mother" The twins aunt complained crossing her arms over her chest with a frown

"Even if he chooses you I want to get to know him, I want to reconnect with him, you can always be their aunt like their second mother Sis please understand me" Jungkook's mom tried to convince his sister.

"They are your twins after all and you gave birth to them, it would be wrong for me to fight for Taehyung even though I raised him... I understand" the twins aunt sighed agreeing to what his sister was saying and his sister frowned not sure if this is a good or a bad thing.

"That.. Was quick but thanks for understanding me sis. I know it's not fair on you but we can continue to raise them together." The twins mom mentioned thankful that her sister is understanding and smiled at her sister, her sister smiled back.

"I'll do everything in my power to fix things with my sons and then we'll all come to your house to sit and talk okay" The twins mom said brushing the back of her sister's hand and the sister smiled again nodding.


"When are you going to see your mom Bro?" Taehyung asked on the call with Jungkook.

"I Don't know maybe next week I'm still so mad at her, what about you how is it going for you, you have to deal with mom and aunt" Jungkook asked as well concerned about his twin.

"I don't know man my mom I mean aunt has been calling me non stop and your mom I mean mom called me and I hung up on her. This is all too much to deal with" Taehyung sighed feeling like he's carrying the whole world on his shoulders.

"I feel you Bro but I think we should deal with this sooner than later, we can't run away from this forever" Jungkook suggested with a sigh.

"Yea I'll decided what to do and get back to you. I need to go I have a meeting in few minutes, we'll talk later love you Bro" Taehyung said and Jungkook said he loves him too before they hung up.


"Baby is it necessary for you and your twin to say I love you everytime you talk, I mean you atleast tell him you love him 7-9 times a day while I hardly hear your I love you once or twice a day not fair" Jimin pouted sulking.

"He's my twin I just found him and you're my love you know I love you very much right my moon?" Jungkook asked cupping Jimin's cheeks.

"Not enough if you really love me go and buy me some things I want right now" Jimin whined.

"What things baby, you literally ate not long ago" Jungkook complained as Jimin made him to go buy food from 3 different restaurants that he wanted not long ago.

"Are you saying I eat too much, that I'm fat" Jimin poked his lower lip out his eyes getting glassy as he started to cry. Jungkook's eyes windened not understanding what was wrong with Jimin all of the sudden.

"Baby I never said you eat too much or that you're fat oh my God my pumpkin why are you crying? " Jungkook panicked trying to pat Jimin's back to console him but Jimin pushed him away.

"Now I'm a pumpkin too I hate you Jungkook" Jimin cried and ran to one of the bedrooms in Jungkook's mansion to go lock himself in it. Jungkook ran after him and turned the door knob but the door was locked.

"Jimin baby what's the matter why are acting like this, I never said you're a pumpkin it's just a pet name.. . You're my beautiful baby Mochi" Jungkook tried to calm Jimin down but it seemed like he added fuel to the fire. "Go Away Leave Me Alone I'm no Mochi it has no shape like I do" Jimin shouted and Jungkook flinched getting startled, he didn't expect that at all.

"Come on baby come talk to me, I don't like to see you cry please I'll buy whatever you want without complaints okay sweetheart" Jungkook said and heard the door knob turn and Jimin came out looking like a mess..hair messy eyes puffy.

"Oh my God my moon" He said pulling Jimin into a hug. "Tell me what you want and I'll go get it all and stop crying okay." Jungkook said trying to be careful with his words he didn't understand what was going on but he knew he has to be gentle and careful with his words right now.


The twins mom heard a knock at her door and she went to open hoping it's Jungkook or Taehyung and to her surprise it was indeed one of them but she wasn't sure who it was between them two. She stood there for few minutes looking at the figure in front of him.

"Taehyung... "

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Hii. ♡ :)

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