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Hoseok quickly ran to Julia to check on her as she collapsed on the floor.

"Julia Julia what is wrong with her Juli wake up" Hoseok said while shaking Julia and

Jungkook came with water and splashed a bit of it on Julia's face and Julia regained consciousness. She opened her to see Jungkook and looked where the client was to see Jungkook's look alike again and she collapsed again.

Both Jungkook and Hoseok looked at each other then at the two figures that were standing in the CEO's floor and Hoseok gasped letting go of Julia to fall down. While Jungkook touched himself to check if his face was there, if he was real.

"Mr Jeon" Hoseok said looking at Jungkook then at the client "Wow can people look this much alike y'all look like identical twins" Hoseok and the client's assistant were both in utter shock while the look alikes looked at each other not believing their eyes.

"Who are you?" They both said at the same time.

"Wooow they synchronize in talking too" Hoseok said covering his mouth with his hands and fell down because his knees were weak.

"Assistant Kim excuse me I don't know what is going on but I need to talk to this man just me and him" The client said and his assistant nodded and bowed before he went back out to their car.

"Pick her up and do something about her I need to talk to him alone too" Jungkook said signaling his look alike to come into the office.

"Did you have a plastic surgery or something cause there's no way we can look this much alike, I feel like I'm literally looking at a mirror right now" The client said getting goosebumps all over his body.

"I didn't I was born like this, how is this possible?" Jungkook asked dumbfounded. "You're a Kim and I'm a Jeon so we are most definitely not related but...

He moved closer to the client touching his face and checking if their height matches and it indeed did.

" How old are you?" they both asked at the same time again.

" 26" they both answered and almost fell from the shock.

"Clearly this can't be a coincidence W-what if we are twins?" The client suddenly came to realization, just the thought of it giving him more goosebumps.

Jungkook suddenly remembered Jimin and the person he was looking for was there in front of him. He looked up nodding and internally thanked the heavens for bringing this look alike to him so easily.

"Listen I need you to come with me somewhere it is really important" Jungkook said taking Tae's hand trying to walk away but Tae stopped him by not moving at all.

"What is important right now is finding out who we are and if we are related, where do you want us to go? We are strangers what if you go get me sacrificed, I have a husband waiting for me back at home." The client asked with raised eyebrows and Jungkook looked at him unamused.

"We are the same age so I'll speak informally. My boyfriend has been angry at me for days now because he apparently saw me cheating on him with a pale short cute guy who I don't even know and I think he saw you that day at the park but thought it was me so I need to prove my Innocence and get my baby back please let's deal with this first and we'll go to a hospital later to go check if our DNA's match."

Jungkook said all in one go and the client looked at him with a side eyes raising his eyebrows but Jungkook took the client's hand and led him outside. Everyone looked at them shocked not believing that their boss had a twin all along.

Jungkook shoved the shocked client into his car and told the driver that he'll drive himself. He drove off to Jimin's home.

"Do you realize how serious this matter is and all you're thinking about is proving your Innocence." the client said shaking his head at Jungkook.

"Taehyung-shi Jimin is very important to me and I've been dying without him so this matter is more important." Jungkook said and Taehyung was shocked that Jk called him with his real name.

"Wasn't you blabbing about your husband just now? My Jimin is equally important as your husband" Jungkook said and Tae glared at him

"Fine whatever let's get this done with and go to the hospital I'm freaking out" Taehyung said rolling his eyes at Jungkook.

"I'm freaking out too and honestly speak I'm scared of finding out the truth, I hope this is all a coincidence and our parents didn't lie to us all these years." Jungkook said and Taehyung could hear the fear in Jungkook's voice.

"If it turns out they did I don't know how I'll handle this situation nor look at my parents the same way again but I'll be happy to finally have a sibling, a handsome twin like me at that" Taehyung said smiling and Jungkook smiled too. He wanted to ask Jungkook when is his birthday but he decided to leave that for later.

"I'm more handsome" Jungkook argued playfully.

"We are literally  identical twins" Taehyung said chuckling and Jungkook looked at him smiling not believing any of this.

They got to Jimin's home and Jungkook knocked. Jihyun opened the door for them and looked at them both shocked.

"Which one of you is Jungkook Hyung? What is this? " Jihyun broke the silence as everyone was quiet not uttering a word.

"Me tell me where Jimin is, as you can see I found the person Jimin thought was me and I need to prove my Innocence and get my Jimin back" Jungkook said in a hurry he just couldn't wait to see Jimin again.

Jihyun gave him the address and the two took off with Taehyung complaining that he came all the way here and now he's going back to where he came from.


"You said you know this place very well where is this place?" Jungkook said to Taehyung showing him Jimin's address as soon as they landed with his chopper and received the car he rented.

"This is actually the house next to my husband's house how is this possible?" Taehyung asked shocked.

"Just direct me we'll deal with all these shocks later" Jungkook said not wanting to think too much right now. All he wanted was to see Jimin.


They finally arrived at Jimin's place and knocked hoping that Jimin is home. It was a weekend afterall. Jimin dragged himself to the door as soon as he heard the knock.

"I can't wait to dig in I'm so hungr-..

Jimin paused his words as soon as he opened the door seeing Jungkook and Taehyung. He thought it was food delivery hence he opened without checking who is it.

" What the... ? " Jimin asked shocked looked at the two look alike infront of him. He rubbed his eyes thinking he's seeing things since he missed Jungkook a lot.

"Am I seeing things am I dreaming?" Jimin asked himself pinching his own cheek and yelped from the pinch pain.

"Jimin baby I missed you so bad" Jungkook said trying to hold Jimin but Jimin moved back and the twins just barged into his house closing the door behind them.

"What is going on here?" Jimin said touching both the look alikes not believing they are real.

Jungkook pulled Jimin to himself as he was touching Taehyung.

"I'm Jungkook he's Taehyung focus here, on me."Jungkook said glaring at Tae who snickered.
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