Never Ending Problems.

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"No not my Jimin." Jungkook mumbled out loud already over thinking zoning out, clutching onto his own hair angrily.

"I'm so sorry sir please come to the hospital." The nurse who was talking to Jungkook said, not knowing how to console Jungkook since the doctors are still busy taking care of Jimin and she doesn't know how he is.

"I'm on my way." Jungkook said and hung up. He quickly grabbed his car keys wore his shoes, took his suit jacket and left, driving to the hospital. He got to the hospital and asked for Jimin. They told him to wait as the doctors are still busy with Jimin.

"Jeon Jungkook?" a lady nurse asked and Jungkook nodded. "This is the driver who was with your Friend. He wasn't badly injured." Jungkook turned to look at the driver glaring at him and the driver gulped scared of his gaze.

" You wasn't badly injured but my fiancé is out there fighting for his life and our babies, how can you drive so carelessly, how could you? If anything happens to my Jimin and our babies you're gonna know what I'm capable of." Jungkook hissed shouting at the driver with a very scary expression on his face.

" I'm sorry sir I tried my best to avoid it but that other driver was drunk and he drove carelessly hence we are here, it wasn't my fault." the driver tried to explain but Jungkook glared at him biting his lower lip aggressively and so the driver just kept quiet looking down.

" Baby you're here, I thought I was gonna die." Jungkook heard Jimin's sweet voice and he immediately calmed down turning his head to look at Jimin. "Jimin baby you're fine. I was so scared. Are our little pups okay! Are you okay?" Jungkook asked walking towards Jimin and hugging him.

"Yes it was not a huge accident so we good. Everything is fine but as you can see my arm, it hurts so bad." when Jimin fell he balanced himself with his arm his whole weight was on it hence it is painful. Jungkook glared at the driver and Jimin noticed so he cupped Jungkook's cheeks.

"I'll be fine it is not his fault, ah it hurts" Jimin let his left arm lose so it doesn't hurt and caressed Jungkook's cheek with his right hand.

"I will never let you go anywhere with a taxi ever again, I will drive you everywhere, I never want to lose you." Jungkook said hugging Jimin more like squeezing him and the doctors smiled at them. They love each other very much it's hardly hard to not see it.

"My arm you're squeezing me." Jimin complained giggling and Jungkook chuckled letting go of him. "Can I take him home? Will his arm be fine?" Jungkook finally turned his attention to the doctor.

"Yes, I gave him medication for it, that won't harm the babies he should be fine in a week." the doctor assured and Jungkook thanked him with a smile and bowed before leaving with Jimin. Jimin waved goodbye to the driver with a wink so he won't feel bad about what happened.

"I'm so glad it wasn't a huge accident, I was so scared on my way here." Jungkook said as he opened the door for Jimin and closed it after Jimin got in the passenger seat.


"Baby you need to eat something." Taehyung pleaded as he placed a bowl of porridge on top of the night stand and got on top of their bed caressing Yoongi's hair.

"I'm not hungry." Yoongi said not feeling like eating. Losing another baby was taking a toll on him, it doesn't sit well with him. He blames himself for it. He feels worthless for not being able to give Taehyung a baby. Taehyung really loves kids but lately he acts like he doesn't for the sake of his husband and that doesn't sit well with Yoongi.

"You haven't eaten since we came back from the hospital and you said you was hungry before we.... (Sigh) please eat a little." Taehyung tried to convince him. It hurts him seeing yoongi in this state.

"I'm useless I can't even give you a baby." Yoongi mentioned his voice breaking, he bit his lower lip, trying his best not to break down.

"Baby don't say that, a baby doesn't define your worth. I love you still." Tae said his heart breaking hearing Yoongi saying those things he's saying.

"You love kids, I'm just a burden to you, you should divo-

" I won't listen to you, don't speak, I'm not going anywhere I'll be with you till I take my last breath. This situation is temporary you'll be fine, I'll be fine, we'll be okay. We'll be happy like always , we can always adopt kids. Don't ever mention that word okay. I love you." Taehyung said sighing loudly he hates it when Yoongi even think about divorce. He can't stand it.

"I'll place your porridge in the microwave please do eat. I'll be back later. You should rest and try not to think too much especially about divorcing me cause that ain't happening." Taehyung said ruffling his own hair with a  heavy sigh.

Taehyung then left the room and Yoongi finally let the tears fall, silently sobbing, hoping that he didn't offend his husband and that Tae is fine.


"Jimin is no longer coming? Why?" asked Jimin's mom.

"I took a day off and we are out celebrating our engagement, we'll make sure to come home soon."

"Okay Jungkook-shi take care of my baby I miss him so much."

"I will take care of them mom, they mean the world to me."

"Okay Kookie."  Mrs Park chuckled remembering that his son is pregnant and hung up with a huge smile on her face knowing that Jimin is in good hands.


"Thanks for agreeing to hide my accident from them." Jimin smiled hugging Jungkook's torso.

"Anything for my baby." Jungkook smiled caressing Jimin's cheek looking at him lovingly but his phone rang disturbing him.

"Twinnie" Jungkook answered.

"Jungkook-ie we lost another baby and Yoongi wants to leave me, what will I do without him, I can't live without him why is he always thinking of leaving me. I know this is hard for us but we should fight it together not break up." Taehyung blabbered causing Jungkook's eyebrows to furrow from shock.

"Where are you? You sound so drunk. Tell me where you are and I'll come to you." Jimin looked at Jk wondering what's going on.

"I'm at a bar, I'm so sad, I'm so angry at him for wanting to leave me. I love him very much can't he See that.?" Taehyung almost shouted from how frustrated and angry he's feeling.

"Yoongi won't leave you Taehyung he just said that because he's sad, send me your location so I can come to you." Jungkook tried to reason with Tae and luckily for him Tae listened and sent him his location after he hung up the call.


Mrs Kim - The woman who raised Taehyung aka the Aunt. Mrs Jeon's sister.
Mrs Jeon - The twins biological mom.

"Good bye sis I love you so much, drive safe." Mrs Kim said waving goodbye with a huge smile on her face. Her sister had visited her, since she said she missed her and asked her to visit.

"Take care as well Sis I love you." Mrs Jeon returned the smile as she got into her car to leave. Mrs Kim's lovely smile turned into a creepy one as she looked at her sister drive away.

Mrs Kim quickly made a call.

"Did you do it?" she asked impatiently.

"Yes ma'am, she won't reach home."

"Thank you, now I'll be the only mom to my Taehyung and his twin brother." She said smiling happily as she entered her house and poured herself a glass of wine to celebrate ahead.

What do you think?

Hii :)      sorry for being gone for too long. Just been going through some stuff.

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