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My feet hit the stairs a little too quick for what I'd have liked. But I was running a lot later than normal today and I wanted to ride in with dad. I had finally finished Wishing You Hell and I wanted him to listen to it this morning now it was fully finished. 

"What?" I stood on the bottom step as all 4 of them stared at me, looking my outfit up and down. 

"A skirt? Who are you dressing up for." 

"Hey Sof. What's that down there." I pointed at the floor and gave Mia the finger whilst she wasn't looking. I was still pissed at her although now it was a lot less screaming and shouting and more me just telling her to get fucked when she tried to talk to me. We'd be fine. I just needed some more time to get used to the idea. 3 weeks is a long time I know. I get it but it still felt raw. 

"There's nufink." Sof looked at me and crossed her arms. 

"Sorry. It looked like a million pounds. I was mistaken." I smiled and looked back at my parents who were looking between each other and me. 

"Ready to go?" Dad tilted his head so little I don't think even he noticed. The proud smile on his face wasn't deniable though.

"Yeah." I nodded and stepped down, opening the front door and stepping out quickly. He wasn't far behind, unlocking the car for me to slide in. I'd left my bag at the office. I hadn't seen the point in carting it back and forth. I didn't leave there until gone 10pm last night anyway. I was so lost in it, I just lost track of time. 

Everything had been easy the last few weeks. Weekly sleepovers at Brooke's and we'd already had one with my sister. It wasn't the best on record with the whole Mia thing but it definitely was easier with Brooke there to ease the tension by cracking jokes. 

No one knew about Levi kissing me. 

I was pretty sure it was still a dream but I was avoiding him anyway. 

I mean, I wasn't avoiding him I was just making sure I wasn't alone with him, locking myself in studios and not answering the door when he knocked. I knew it was him because it would be quick and quiet.

He'd text me and I'd reply but when the conversation was going slow with my short replies, I'd apologise and say I'm super busy and we can talk later. Later hadn't come yet. 

I was so confused. With the whole thing. I know my dad said if there was someone I liked he wouldn't let it be an issue. Is that why he paired me with the guys in the first place? Because he knew one of them would crack me?  I bet it was. He knew me too well. I don't think he thought it would be Levi though. He wasn't exactly my usual type. He wasn't insane for a start. 

Dad's door opened and he slid in, fastening his seatbelt and driving slowly out of the drive. 

"Okay spill." 

"Spill what?" 

"What's going on with you. Spill the tea sis." I cringed at him. A disgusted look on my face that he must have seen because he laughed. 

"There's nothing to spill." 

"Bullshit." I raised my eyebrows but couldn't help a smile breaking on my face. "You've been so different the last 3 weeks I don't even know who you are." 

"I finished that song do you want to hear it?" I changed the topic. It wasn't smooth in any way shape or form of the word but I really didn't want to tell him I'd kissed someone for the first time in 4 years. He'd tell mum and mum would tell Mia. And then Sof would over hear and she'd tell everyone in the office. No thanks. I'm good. I'd rather live. 

"Don't think you're changing the topic misses." 

"I'm not. Just listen to it. It's really good." I smiled and connected my phone to the speaker, turning the volume up as it started playing so he could get the full effect. He was bopping his head along as it played. I'd gotten myself at least 10 minutes. He'd listen to it a few times before talking to me about it. 

I have to find some excuse. Some reason that I was suddenly dressing a little less sloppy, being a little bit smilier. Life just felt lighter and I couldn't quiet explain it. I just felt better. I could just shrug and put it down to wanting to make sure I was doing better in case he turned up. Maybe I'm just taking work a little more serious? Nah. They'd never believe that. 

It started playing again and dad turned it up more. I think he wanted to hear my voice in a little more clarity. He was kind of leaning in too which was a good sign. This was one of the best songs I'd done. I was very, very proud of it. Everything on it was completely me. 

"Is this all you?" 

"Everything. I didn't have any help on it at all." 

"The guitar?" I nodded. "And the drums." I smiled and nodded again as he gave a single nod with his straight face. The song ended and he turned the volume down as we pulled into the coffee drive through, ordering our usual. 

It wasn't for another 10 minutes until we were on our way that he finally spoke. 

"This is really, really good Erica. Single good." I looked at him, a small proud smile spread over my lips. "Let me put it out." I laughed at him as he continued driving. "I'm not joking." 

"Not a chance." I sat back in my chair taking a sip of the coffee. "Ask me again in a few months." 

"You're starting to think about it?" He looked between me and the road quickly. 

"Maybe. I don't know. I'm on the fence." 

"Why?" I shrugged. 

"I don't know dad. I don't think I could ever get on stage again, but the thought of my song about him being on the radio. That would be such a punch to his face." 

"Imagine it going to number 1." I grinned at my dad who chuckled. "If I knew that's all you needed to put an album out I'd have gotten you to write about him years ago." 

Erica Clifford - CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now