Folie à Deux

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He found himself tangled in paradise, warmed in white and smothered by the intoxicating aroma of sage. Under the veil, branches locked together in perfect harmony. Their interlocking heat conducted a tune too perfect for either to comprehend, souring the taste of their fruit slightly, but not tarnishing their sweetness.

Her domain glowed an ethereal crimson that resembled the sky outside and lit everything inside ablaze. Beyond the four walls, distant explosions shook the ground, sending books cascading from shelves and leaving microscopic cracks upon the surface of the barrier. Despite this, the two shapes tangled in each other remained silent and still.

The world beyond was not the world within, and the world within intersected with something far greater.

A big bang had ushered in a seemingly endless cycle of blossoming and wilting. Ouroboros never looked quite so enticing.

For her it was a moment, but for him it was forever.

Forgotten words written in invisible ink pen the next chapter of a story no one will ever read.

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