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There is a price tag on pain. How much and for how long? How does it compare?

The window displays a majestic snow globe. Inside are the citizens of a sleepy village, fighting demons in the midst of a beautiful blizzard. The ice beneath their feet sticks to their boots, but the heat of their passion wards off the flakes on their skin. Hideous, horrifying, and wondrous. The sight is fragile and precocious.

"Handle with care!" reads the label on the antique. It is of the utmost importance to heed the warning.

In the pawn shop of the bizarre, every contribution has a story. Each saga creates a legacy in the form of a plaque, constructed from a glass teardrop. The jagged edges on the object steal the nectar of those who hold it for too long, but that's okay. What is taken is never given back, instead, it supports the preservation of something quite breathtaking and meaningful.

Every item has a value. Every story is important.

Every story except one.

Eternity on Paper [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now