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Howling winds fall upon the deaf ears of heaven and caress the nihilistic body of the earth. In the eye of the storm, I've made my home—a grave, perfectly dug.

In the vortex, tears float upward, and the heart barely beats.

Sharpness across a wrist unfelt brings a smile to my face. Peace and pain reside within the same vein, and the shiny shovel that mines them has unearthed one but not the other. Crimson numbness pleads a case for the absence of everything.

Six feet below, I nestle into bed and discover I was never truly awake. Buried within myself, my tomb has always been there, rotting with each passing day.

Hydrangeas bloom all around the crevice I've laid within, and I snip them one by one. Parasitic violators of the soil I've planted myself no longer serve a purpose. The garden I tend is not my own, and it never will be.

I think of a beautiful hummingbird, once mine but no longer. In her place are a spiral of starving vultures spinning overhead with desperation and fear in their eyes. The stench of my soul sickens them, but they can't take their eyes off me.

I beckon them closer and allow them to feast on my flesh. I watch as they fill their deprived bellies and smile. This is my purpose and I've never been happier.

I'm so happy.

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