You're Gonna Die

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Fertilizer on two legs, this is an ode to thee.

The hands in perpetual motion preach a message painfully true. Humorous though their animations may be, they are not comedians. Heed the tale they tell because it's all about you. Just the way you like it, a spotlight shone on you, melting you to the stage in permanent importance. Regret makes a tasty meal for maggots.

You say that you listen, yet you carry your bloody ears so proudly in your stained hands. Ornaments for the branches of a dead tree, your trinkets carry no charm. Rather, they make perfect keys to the chariot that will endure your weight.

You say that you see, yet your eyes are hollow. Sockets with no electricity, yours are vacant pathways to a hall of mirrors. Unearned blindness is the engine that fuels me.

You say that you feel, yet you've burnt your fingerprints. Touch with no identity, you leave your mark with abrasions of the soul. The numb are the foundation of a void so audibly silent.

You say that you say it, yet your tongue is affixed above. So self-involved, the only kiss you've ever enjoyed was your own. Empty talk is a call for the buzzards and pink is so enticing for predatory eyes.

Do you understand? Of course not.

It's already too late, that's why you're perceiving this script.

Knowledge already known. Is it forgotten or ignored?

You were a child once, and again.

Was it worth it, the pain you caused?

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