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Full body numbness and vacant stares. Irregular heartbeat and screw through the brain.

Life can't remember the meaning of itself. Bare skin and a fig leaf provide little aid to the amnesiac with a glistening finger. What was it supposed to do, again?

Are the others unaware of the shackles around their ankles, or do they like it?

Is the game supposed to be fun? Is it a game at all? Or is it a piece of performance art?

Interpretations and judgments, art is right, no answer is wrong.

Maybe there's nothing wrong with erasing one figure from the picture after all. Some will cheer, others will boo. But art will be appreciated nonetheless.

There is value in an early death.

A beautiful, starry night and a manic, striking scream. Miss Mona Lisa may pout or smirk, forever a dance orchestrated by a puppeteer long gone.

Let the corpse be dressed in the shroud of fake tears and arrange it in the rule of the golden ratio.

Look at him, he's never been happier!

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