Brain Flower

12 3 11

A dart stuck in the calendar marks the day the earth stood still. That day, two silhouettes stood across from one another, their figures superimposed upon a great wall. Triggers pulled simultaneously; the double homicide of tangled souls was quite a sight. The result of a dual death was a planet split to pieces and an audience of dazzled onlookers.

High on brain waves, there should've been no question. But flooded lungs hush the words, casting a curse of silence and broken fingers. The hands dance together to the ritual of twelve, summoning a blinding, crushing avalanche. Taking shelter in our own shadows is the way we survive the monsters we bled.

We traded our hearts for smiles, crooked at the ends and plastic on the inside. Yet, the glow that radiates from within us is star-born. These red strings that connect us constricts our little fingers and strangles our throats, getting us rope drunk off the ecstasy of bondage. The lights make the neurons come alive when they're on and get the blood rushing when they're off.

The Necromancer knows all the right words and I know all the right places. It shouldn't be so easy to steal a laugh from the dead, but her Necronomicon caries knowledge forbidden. The still oracle in my chest returns the favor, tainting her perfect skin with a plague of goosebumps. Her moans are mine to keep, well-earned and treasured. A hex upon us for better or worse.

I accept the bouquet of revelations; some blindsides are blessings. This necklace of mistrust dangles from my neck like an ornament, but the faith of the faithless warms my shores.

What is desired isn't always best, but what is denied is sometimes needed. For the best of the audience, let it be so. Are the credits rolling indicative of the end or the beginning?

The feather in my hair is the quill with which I will write the next part of this movie.

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