Mirror Ink

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My constellation shines bright in the sky, eclipsing the glow of dead stars deceiving bright eyes. White-hot ink blots splatted upon a black canvas form an image imaginary. What you see is what you believe.

I am the apple of their eyes, the perfect match for miss misery and miss fortune alike. Strange bedfellows no matter the mattress, I outlast them both time and again.

Brain waves peak and trough as I paint the world's self-portrait. The colors on my palette butcher the eyes of self-mutilating, near-sighted vultures. Their stones cast at my face serve as reminders of an authenticity unparalleled.

I can't remember the last time plastic didn't taste like flesh, but dealing with the devil and dancing with angels are what I do best.

My essence fuels vampiric mania, whetting the appetites of thirsty graverobbers. They have discovered my tomb but not the treasure within.

Bones of the insincere line the steps to the one who has died a million deaths. Upon the throne above lies a paradise unrealized and unclaimed—for one or two. Forever.

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